Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tire Black Motorcycle Dressing

Dolce al cioccolato bianco e marrons glacès e Buon 2011

To make this cake I used the mold to the corolla Juliette Guardini

Ingredients for 8 people:
- 100 gr. 1889
of butter - 150 gr.
sugar - grated rind of ½ lemon
- marron glacé
5 - 2
organic eggs - 300 gr. flour with baking powder
- 75 gr.
grated white chocolate - a splash of grappa
- 60 ml.
milk - powdered sugar
- caramel frosting

Method: Cream butter and sugar until creamy and light and fluffy. Gradually add eggs, lemon zest, then add the flour and mixing the grated white chocolate, alternating with milk. Finally add the marron glacé chopped (first passed in the flour), mix well Pour the mixture into the pan
Guardini and equalize the surface.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 ° minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake will come out dry. Cool the cake in the pan and then flip it over in the pot. Garnish with powdered sugar.

Presentation: decorate the dish with the caramel glaze.

Recommended wine: Moscato orange flower Hills Hills.

And with this recipe to my readers and hope all who pass by this blog a happy 2011

that a wave of positive changes in my life and overwhelm your:

Wind of Change is a famous song by rock band German Scorpions .

Here you will find the translation.

Tire Black Motorcycle Dressing

Dolce al cioccolato bianco e marrons glacès e Buon 2011

To make this cake I used the mold to the corolla Juliette Guardini

Ingredients for 8 people:
- 100 gr. 1889
of butter - 150 gr.
sugar - grated rind of ½ lemon
- marron glacé
5 - 2
organic eggs - 300 gr. flour with baking powder
- 75 gr.
grated white chocolate - a splash of grappa
- 60 ml.
milk - powdered sugar
- caramel frosting

Method: Cream butter and sugar until creamy and light and fluffy. Gradually add eggs, lemon zest, then add the flour and mixing the grated white chocolate, alternating with milk. Finally add the marron glacé chopped (first passed in the flour), mix well Pour the mixture into the pan
Guardini and equalize the surface.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 ° minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake will come out dry. Cool the cake in the pan and then flip it over in the pot. Garnish with powdered sugar.

Presentation: decorate the dish with the caramel glaze.

Recommended wine: Moscato orange flower Hills Hills.

And with this recipe to my readers and hope all who pass by this blog a happy 2011

that a wave of positive changes in my life and overwhelm your:

Wind of Change is a famous song by rock band German Scorpions .

Here you will find the translation.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blocked Nose At Night

Tagliatelle cioccolato-peperoncino al ragù di cervo.

For the venison sauce:
- 400 gr. chunks of flesh of deer
- 50 ml.
of apple cider vinegar - 200 ml. Wine raboso Piave.
- 400 ml. vegetable stock
5 bay leaves - 2 onions
Chioggia - 1 stalk of celery
- 1 small carrot
1 clove garlic - 4 cloves
- 1 teaspoon juniper berries

Procedure: placed in a container with 700 ml. Water: 1 onion into pieces, then add the meat of deer, 3 bay leaves, 3 cloves, juniper berries, apple vinegar and 100 ml. raboso wine, stir, cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, rinse under

running water, meat, dab with kitchen paper and then cut them into cubes. Chop onion, carrot and celery and let it braise in a pan, add water slowly until the vegetables are almost cooked, add at this point, the cubes of venison, season them well nell'intingolo, fade with 100 ml. raboso of wine, then add the garlic with the cloves stuck, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Cover, add the vegetable broth as needed, and cook over low heat for 70 minutes.

For the dough:
- bio
2 eggs - 200 gr. 00
flour - 1 tablespoon oil
- 2 red peppers dried
- 75 gr. dark chocolate fondant
- a pinch of salt

Procedure: Mix the flour with the eggs lightly salt, oil, grated chocolate and chilli finely crumbled. It gives the dough is shaped like a loaf

cover with clear film and leave to rest for an hour, then roll the dough and then create the noodles.

Cook the noodles al dente and then toss them in ragu'di deer.

Recommended wine: Raboso del Piave.


Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest " Cioccolato che Passione ".
Contest ideato da Blog di Cucina e i cioccolatieri artigiani Fratelli Gardini

E con questa ricetta auguro Buon Natale a tutti i miei lettori e a tutti coloro che passano da questo blog .

Blocked Nose At Night

Tagliatelle cioccolato-peperoncino al ragù di cervo.

For the venison sauce:
- 400 gr. chunks of flesh of deer
- 50 ml.
of apple cider vinegar - 200 ml. Wine raboso Piave.
- 400 ml. vegetable stock
5 bay leaves - 2 onions
Chioggia - 1 stalk of celery
- 1 small carrot
1 clove garlic - 4 cloves
- 1 teaspoon juniper berries

Procedure: placed in a container with 700 ml. Water: 1 onion into pieces, then add the meat of deer, 3 bay leaves, 3 cloves, juniper berries, apple vinegar and 100 ml. raboso wine, stir, cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, rinse under

running water, meat, dab with kitchen paper and then cut them into cubes. Chop onion, carrot and celery and let it braise in a pan, add water slowly until the vegetables are almost cooked, add at this point, the cubes of venison, season them well nell'intingolo, fade with 100 ml. raboso of wine, then add the garlic with the cloves stuck, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Cover, add the vegetable broth as needed, and cook over low heat for 70 minutes.

For the dough:
- bio
2 eggs - 200 gr. 00
flour - 1 tablespoon oil
- 2 red peppers dried
- 75 gr. dark chocolate fondant
- a pinch of salt

Procedure: Mix the flour with the eggs lightly salt, oil, grated chocolate and chilli finely crumbled. It gives the dough is shaped like a loaf

cover with clear film and leave to rest for an hour, then roll the dough and then create the noodles.

Cook the noodles al dente and then toss them in ragu'di deer.

Recommended wine: Raboso del Piave.


Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest " Cioccolato che Passione ".
Contest ideato da Blog di Cucina e i cioccolatieri artigiani Fratelli Gardini

E con questa ricetta auguro Buon Natale a tutti i miei lettori e a tutti coloro che passano da questo blog .

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tretching The Cervix At 39 Weeks

Christmas to all!! Cade

Thursday, December 23, from 17:30 to 20:45 we will celebrate together the arrival of Christmas in the most simple and beautiful that we know: playing basketball!
Within the party there will be some amazing games and for those who feel if ... also a chance to win a prize by scoring half of the field!
On that date, in addition to taking pictures of the event (the faces better prepared ...) we will do the lottery on Christmas 2010.
We wait!

Tretching The Cervix At 39 Weeks

Christmas to all!! Cade

Thursday, December 23, from 17:30 to 20:45 we will celebrate together the arrival of Christmas in the most simple and beautiful that we know: playing basketball!
Within the party there will be some amazing games and for those who feel if ... also a chance to win a prize by scoring half of the field!
On that date, in addition to taking pictures of the event (the faces better prepared ...) we will do the lottery on Christmas 2010.
We wait!

Monday, December 20, 2010

What's Wears A Kidney Stone Or Laborer

Faraona ripiena con salsa ai cachi

Ingredienti per 8/10 persone:

- 1 faraona grande di Kg 1.7
- 500 gr. di carne trita mista: pollo, tacchino
- 1 fetta di pancetta fresca tritata
- grana padano 150 gr.
- 1 fegato di faraona
- 5 castagne lessate
- 1 uovo
- 4 fette di pancarrè
- insaporitore
Ariosto per arrosti
- latte q.b
- cipolline 500 gr.
- prezzemolo
- noce moscata
- 1 spicchio d’aglio
- una spruzzata di marsala
- 100 ml. di vino bianco secco
- olio extra vergine di oliva
- 2 cachi maturi

Procedimento: disossare la faraona ( oppure fatelo fare dal macellaio ) ed aromatizzare la carne da ambo il lati con l’insaporitore Ariosto , massaggiare la carne con cura . Mescolare insieme la carne macinata con la pancetta tritata , il fegato tritato, il formaggio grattugiato, il pancarrè tagliato a cubetti, le castagne lessate e tritate, l’uovo, il prezzemolo e lo spicchio d’aglio tritato, insaporire l’impasto con sale, pepe ed un pizzico di noce moscata, aggiungere il latte sino a dare la giusta consistenza al ripieno.
Farcite la faraona con il ripieno e legatela con uno spago , come un arrosto ( ci si può aiutare con l’apposita rete da macellai ). In una casseruola rosolare a fuoco vivo, con un filo d’olio l’arrosto da ambo i lati, sfumare con una spruzzata di marsala, e fate cuocere per una decina di minuti; aggiungere le cipolline, inserire then in the oven to 190 degrees, if necessary sprinkle with dry white wine, and cook. When cooked remove the guinea fowl from the cooking liquid and let cool.
Remove the sauce and add the peeled ripe persimmons, blend everything then put the sauce in a pan and let it thicken. Cut the fowl into slices, and sprinkle with persimmon sauce, served with onions.

Suggested Wine: Cabernet Franc Eastern Veneto.

With this recipe also participates in the contest: flour, yeast and fantasy in collaboration with Ballarini.

What's Wears A Kidney Stone Or Laborer

Faraona ripiena con salsa ai cachi

Ingredienti per 8/10 persone:

- 1 faraona grande di Kg 1.7
- 500 gr. di carne trita mista: pollo, tacchino
- 1 fetta di pancetta fresca tritata
- grana padano 150 gr.
- 1 fegato di faraona
- 5 castagne lessate
- 1 uovo
- 4 fette di pancarrè
- insaporitore
Ariosto per arrosti
- latte q.b
- cipolline 500 gr.
- prezzemolo
- noce moscata
- 1 spicchio d’aglio
- una spruzzata di marsala
- 100 ml. di vino bianco secco
- olio extra vergine di oliva
- 2 cachi maturi

Procedimento: disossare la faraona ( oppure fatelo fare dal macellaio ) ed aromatizzare la carne da ambo il lati con l’insaporitore Ariosto , massaggiare la carne con cura . Mescolare insieme la carne macinata con la pancetta tritata , il fegato tritato, il formaggio grattugiato, il pancarrè tagliato a cubetti, le castagne lessate e tritate, l’uovo, il prezzemolo e lo spicchio d’aglio tritato, insaporire l’impasto con sale, pepe ed un pizzico di noce moscata, aggiungere il latte sino a dare la giusta consistenza al ripieno.
Farcite la faraona con il ripieno e legatela con uno spago , come un arrosto ( ci si può aiutare con l’apposita rete da macellai ). In una casseruola rosolare a fuoco vivo, con un filo d’olio l’arrosto da ambo i lati, sfumare con una spruzzata di marsala, e fate cuocere per una decina di minuti; aggiungere le cipolline, inserire then in the oven to 190 degrees, if necessary sprinkle with dry white wine, and cook. When cooked remove the guinea fowl from the cooking liquid and let cool.
Remove the sauce and add the peeled ripe persimmons, blend everything then put the sauce in a pan and let it thicken. Cut the fowl into slices, and sprinkle with persimmon sauce, served with onions.

Suggested Wine: Cabernet Franc Eastern Veneto.

With this recipe also participates in the contest: flour, yeast and fantasy in collaboration with Ballarini.

How Do I Register A Utility Trailer

hill in the U14.

Draft gained after defeat against Torino Pino Torinese Teen Basketball for boys dell'U14.

We were just playing in the first quarter with a lead of 7 to 12, which bodes well, but the "hill" with two three-pointers fail to recover the break and close the first quarter ahead.

Then, unfortunately, that constantly repeats itself for this team when it is below the score, the general discouragement with the lack of constructive approach to the race, and players who quit the team and try to play the individual game. The result is 14 break points in the second period and 11 in the third.

numbers technicians are really disappointing to shoot from under 13/40, 2 / 22 from outside, 0 / 3 3, 3 / 10 time-trial detention, 50 turnovers and 13 recovered, only four players in a match report with 22 points.

numbers certainly accentuated dall'approccio mind that children have difficult moments in the race, it shows a lack of determination, "malice" competitive, to compete against teams level. An episode that I noticed, at 6 seconds after the final siren a young opponent, with his team out of 33, diving to find the ball on the sideline, in our midfield.
More than the technical deficiencies, will undoubtedly enhance the work in the gym, worry about those traits.

The two games played with teams of a certain level, have been disappointing, and are closed with significant differences with scores on our part, by minibasket. Impaired
the chance to compete for the top two places, missing two games at the end of the first round, including the last, the confrontation with the leaders still unbeaten, Rebaudengo.

hope of pride in a test of our children.

After Christmas we moved in Pietra Ligure to compete in a tournament. We hope to serve at least give a bit of confidence and encouragement to the boys.

Merry Christmas to all.

Torino Teen Basketball - Don Bosco Rivoli 66-33 (18-14, 18-4, 21-10, 9 - 5)

Don Bosco Rivoli: Alberti (T2 0 / 9), Maggi 20 (T2 9 / 18 , T3 0 / 1, TL 2 / 2), Bechis (T2 0 / 1), Marro (T2 0/5, T3 0/1), Lanatà (T2 0/1), Scocca (T2 0/4), Bommaci 2 (T2 1/2, TL 0/4), Lauria 2 (T2 1/2), Lucchiari 9 (T2 4/14, T3 0/1, TL 1/6), Elisio (T2 0/2), Bruno (T2 0/4, TL 0/4)

How Do I Register A Utility Trailer

hill in the U14.

Draft gained after defeat against Torino Pino Torinese Teen Basketball for boys dell'U14.

We were just playing in the first quarter with a lead of 7 to 12, which bodes well, but the "hill" with two three-pointers fail to recover the break and close the first quarter ahead.

Then, unfortunately, that constantly repeats itself for this team when it is below the score, the general discouragement with the lack of constructive approach to the race, and players who quit the team and try to play the individual game. The result is 14 break points in the second period and 11 in the third.

numbers technicians are really disappointing to shoot from under 13/40, 2 / 22 from outside, 0 / 3 3, 3 / 10 time-trial detention, 50 turnovers and 13 recovered, only four players in a match report with 22 points.

numbers certainly accentuated dall'approccio mind that children have difficult moments in the race, it shows a lack of determination, "malice" competitive, to compete against teams level. An episode that I noticed, at 6 seconds after the final siren a young opponent, with his team out of 33, diving to find the ball on the sideline, in our midfield.
More than the technical deficiencies, will undoubtedly enhance the work in the gym, worry about those traits.

The two games played with teams of a certain level, have been disappointing, and are closed with significant differences with scores on our part, by minibasket. Impaired
the chance to compete for the top two places, missing two games at the end of the first round, including the last, the confrontation with the leaders still unbeaten, Rebaudengo.

hope of pride in a test of our children.

After Christmas we moved in Pietra Ligure to compete in a tournament. We hope to serve at least give a bit of confidence and encouragement to the boys.

Merry Christmas to all.

Torino Teen Basketball - Don Bosco Rivoli 66-33 (18-14, 18-4, 21-10, 9 - 5)

Don Bosco Rivoli: Alberti (T2 0 / 9), Maggi 20 (T2 9 / 18 , T3 0 / 1, TL 2 / 2), Bechis (T2 0 / 1), Marro (T2 0/5, T3 0/1), Lanatà (T2 0/1), Scocca (T2 0/4), Bommaci 2 (T2 1/2, TL 0/4), Lauria 2 (T2 1/2), Lucchiari 9 (T2 4/14, T3 0/1, TL 1/6), Elisio (T2 0/2), Bruno (T2 0/4, TL 0/4)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best Portable Dvd Player For Car

Loreena McKennitt-The Holly & The Ivy The forest

Best Portable Dvd Player For Car

Loreena McKennitt-The Holly & The Ivy The forest

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bow And Arrow Balloon Game Old Game

Corso di cucina con Palma d’Onofrio alla Zago Taste Good

Friday, December 10, 2010 I attended the cooking class with Palme d'Onofrio, the teacher of the cooking show "The Evidence of the Cook " at the Good Taste Zago.

theme of the course: The holiday menu.

And these are the recipes prepared during the course:

Panettone pudding thistles

* * *
lasagna in the form

baked veal shank with pomegranate
yule logs

During the Christmas holidays will post some of these recipes.

Some stages of processing of the herbal cake:

The lasagna in the form:

The stub Christmas

Palme d'Onofrio

Palma D'Onofrio with the owners of Good Taste Zago.

During the evening we had the opportunity to taste the latest creations of Zago Good Taste: panettone to cuveè HY, HY cuveè beer, chocolates, beer and the fabulous coffee to beer.

Looking for an original idea for a gift these products are right for you, I suggest you visit the site .

Bow And Arrow Balloon Game Old Game

Corso di cucina con Palma d’Onofrio alla Zago Taste Good

Friday, December 10, 2010 I attended the cooking class with Palme d'Onofrio, the teacher of the cooking show "The Evidence of the Cook " at the Good Taste Zago.

theme of the course: The holiday menu.

And these are the recipes prepared during the course:

Panettone pudding thistles

* * *
lasagna in the form

baked veal shank with pomegranate
yule logs

During the Christmas holidays will post some of these recipes.

Some stages of processing of the herbal cake:

The lasagna in the form:

The stub Christmas

Palme d'Onofrio

Palma D'Onofrio with the owners of Good Taste Zago.

During the evening we had the opportunity to taste the latest creations of Zago Good Taste: panettone to cuveè HY, HY cuveè beer, chocolates, beer and the fabulous coffee to beer.

Looking for an original idea for a gift these products are right for you, I suggest you visit the site .