Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How Much Money Is Jesse James Worth


Is it really true that the reality exceeds the wildest fantasies, and that seems to be no limit incompetence, bad taste and the total disinterest of the characters, actors and supporting actors, directly or indirectly involved in the most serious global environmental catastrophe that history memories. Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP by 1 million pounds a year, he thought good to go and rest from troubles in the Gulf of Mexico by participating in the boat of 16 meters which is co-owner (and the value of 470,000 pounds) at a prestigious race in the blue waters of the Solent, at the Isle of Wight .

Poor Tony, you have to understand: the company that operates was explicitly accused of having lied to the U.S. Congress to reduce its liability in ' accident, after the disclosure of an internal document showing that the extent of fuoriuscita di petrolio nel Golfo del Messico venisse stimata essere venti volte maggiore delle cifre divulgate pubblicamente dalla BP. Laddove lo scenario peggiore previsto consisteva in 100.000 barili di petrolio al giorno, la compagnia parlava di 5.000 barili al giorno che nel peggiore dei casi potevano arrivare al massimo a 60.000.

Tyrone Benton, u no degli addetti alla piattaforma sopravvissuti all’incidente, ha dichiarato in un’intervista rilasciata alla BBC che già weeks before the disaster were leaking oil from the installation of security of the well, the so-called BOP (Blowout Preventer) that would close the valves in the event of an accident, it is the BP that Transocean, which manage the platform, had been warned of the problem and that the defective part was simply removed, rather than being replaced, so it is not necessary to stop production. Benton can not say if, before the blast, the replacement had been made.

However, Tony does not have to complain too much, since the resignations resigned in the case relied on by many, a cash bonus equal to 10.8 million pounds and an annual pension of 500,000 or so it seems.

Meanwhile, according to his own testimony before the congressional committee, it is expected that if you do not find a way to block the loss (they say it will not be possible before Christmas ...), oil continue to emerge for at least two years, maybe even four (based on conservative estimate of 60,000 barrels per day).

me laugh (not cry) when I hear that BP has secured a fund of 20 billion dollars to repay the damage: I agree with Patrick Martin (1) defines when a corporate crime as well imagination and states that the final cost of this terrible disaster, combining the damage to ecosystems, the tourism and fisheries, as well as the long-term health of local populations, is likely to exceed a trillion dollars (one million ).

ComeDonChisciotte published a couple of interesting articles (2), which deal with real reasons behind the accident, but the fact remains that I simply grotesque to quantify in cash an environmental disaster of such magnitude that no amount of money can ever compensate:

"When the 'last tree has been felled,

the last river poisoned,

the last fish caught,

you will find that you can not eat money. "

(crow's feet)

To add insult to injury, on June 22 a federal judge in New Orleans blocked a six-month moratorium on drilling in deep waters, set up by the Obama following the events that had suspended the approval of permit any new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The judge said the measure had to be considered "null" unjustified and, as the impact on local businesses (read: oil) would be simply too large (in other words, a negative impact on so-called "business ecosystem"). The White House will appeal against this decision ...

Nel frattempo il petrolio ha cominciato a lambire Cuba, penetrando nelle correnti oceaniche:

Osservate questa mappa delle correnti, studiatevela e fatevi due conti su dove potrà arrivare tutto quel petrolio col passare del tempo…

Per darvi meglio un’idea, questa immagine termica sarà d’aiuto per visualizzare come si diffonderà il petrolio con le correnti oceaniche…

Nel frattempo, in caso di “emergenza nazionale” il buon Obama verrà investito del potere di “spegnere” Internet a volontà: questo il controverso disegno di legge (3) proposto da Joe Liebermann, guarda caso a capo della commissione statunitense per la sicurezza interna. Coi tempi che corrono e gli scenari che si prospettano nelle prossime settimane, mi sembra che questa legge caschi proprio a fagiolo…

Ovvio che di fronte a un’apocalisse del genere, la perdita di petrolio da una piattaforma egiziana nel Mar Rosso sia ben poca cosa, se non fosse che la chiazza sta minacciando Hurghada, un paradiso naturale visitato annualmente da milioni di turisti per immergersi nelle sue acque (sinora) incontaminate.

Passando ad altro, mi domando quale gatta ci cova alla NASA? Ultimamente l’ente spaziale sembra particolarmente preoccupato da tempeste solari potenzialmente devastanti per la nostra tecnologia (4), da piogge di meteoriti che potrebbero danneggiare le strutture in orbita, come la Stazione Spaziale International (5), and the strange behavior of the Sun, never observed previously (6), in particular the absence of sunspot activity, this course is slow to start. This unexpected behavior has knocked the software that "shape" the solar cycle, and is believed to have important influences on the Earth's climate, as evidenced by an unusually severe winter. It is considered even possible that the Sun is entering a completely new magnetic phase, in the foreseeable future completely prevent the formation of sunspots ...

All this frenzy may have something to do with the relentless , ubiquitous activities di aerosol sopra le nostre teste? Non lo so, ma se qualcuno avesse ancora dei dubbi sul fatto che alcuni dei composti delle famigerate “scie chimiche” ricadono direttamente al suolo, osservate questa foto, scattata da G. B., un carissimo amico, con attrezzatura fotografica professionale:

Quello che osservate ingrandito nella foto seguente non è un’aberrazione fotografica, né il frutto di un obiettivo sporco, né il risultato di una manipolazione fotografica. Ognuno tragga le proprie conclusioni…

How Much Money Is Jesse James Worth


Is it really true that the reality exceeds the wildest fantasies, and that seems to be no limit incompetence, bad taste and the total disinterest of the characters, actors and supporting actors, directly or indirectly involved in the most serious global environmental catastrophe that history memories. Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP by 1 million pounds a year, he thought good to go and rest from troubles in the Gulf of Mexico by participating in the boat of 16 meters which is co-owner (and the value of 470,000 pounds) at a prestigious race in the blue waters of the Solent, at the Isle of Wight .

Poor Tony, you have to understand: the company that operates was explicitly accused of having lied to the U.S. Congress to reduce its liability in ' accident, after the disclosure of an internal document showing that the extent of fuoriuscita di petrolio nel Golfo del Messico venisse stimata essere venti volte maggiore delle cifre divulgate pubblicamente dalla BP. Laddove lo scenario peggiore previsto consisteva in 100.000 barili di petrolio al giorno, la compagnia parlava di 5.000 barili al giorno che nel peggiore dei casi potevano arrivare al massimo a 60.000.

Tyrone Benton, u no degli addetti alla piattaforma sopravvissuti all’incidente, ha dichiarato in un’intervista rilasciata alla BBC che già weeks before the disaster were leaking oil from the installation of security of the well, the so-called BOP (Blowout Preventer) that would close the valves in the event of an accident, it is the BP that Transocean, which manage the platform, had been warned of the problem and that the defective part was simply removed, rather than being replaced, so it is not necessary to stop production. Benton can not say if, before the blast, the replacement had been made.

However, Tony does not have to complain too much, since the resignations resigned in the case relied on by many, a cash bonus equal to 10.8 million pounds and an annual pension of 500,000 or so it seems.

Meanwhile, according to his own testimony before the congressional committee, it is expected that if you do not find a way to block the loss (they say it will not be possible before Christmas ...), oil continue to emerge for at least two years, maybe even four (based on conservative estimate of 60,000 barrels per day).

me laugh (not cry) when I hear that BP has secured a fund of 20 billion dollars to repay the damage: I agree with Patrick Martin (1) defines when a corporate crime as well imagination and states that the final cost of this terrible disaster, combining the damage to ecosystems, the tourism and fisheries, as well as the long-term health of local populations, is likely to exceed a trillion dollars (one million ).

ComeDonChisciotte published a couple of interesting articles (2), which deal with real reasons behind the accident, but the fact remains that I simply grotesque to quantify in cash an environmental disaster of such magnitude that no amount of money can ever compensate:

"When the 'last tree has been felled,

the last river poisoned,

the last fish caught,

you will find that you can not eat money. "

(crow's feet)

To add insult to injury, on June 22 a federal judge in New Orleans blocked a six-month moratorium on drilling in deep waters, set up by the Obama following the events that had suspended the approval of permit any new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The judge said the measure had to be considered "null" unjustified and, as the impact on local businesses (read: oil) would be simply too large (in other words, a negative impact on so-called "business ecosystem"). The White House will appeal against this decision ...

Nel frattempo il petrolio ha cominciato a lambire Cuba, penetrando nelle correnti oceaniche:

Osservate questa mappa delle correnti, studiatevela e fatevi due conti su dove potrà arrivare tutto quel petrolio col passare del tempo…

Per darvi meglio un’idea, questa immagine termica sarà d’aiuto per visualizzare come si diffonderà il petrolio con le correnti oceaniche…

Nel frattempo, in caso di “emergenza nazionale” il buon Obama verrà investito del potere di “spegnere” Internet a volontà: questo il controverso disegno di legge (3) proposto da Joe Liebermann, guarda caso a capo della commissione statunitense per la sicurezza interna. Coi tempi che corrono e gli scenari che si prospettano nelle prossime settimane, mi sembra che questa legge caschi proprio a fagiolo…

Ovvio che di fronte a un’apocalisse del genere, la perdita di petrolio da una piattaforma egiziana nel Mar Rosso sia ben poca cosa, se non fosse che la chiazza sta minacciando Hurghada, un paradiso naturale visitato annualmente da milioni di turisti per immergersi nelle sue acque (sinora) incontaminate.

Passando ad altro, mi domando quale gatta ci cova alla NASA? Ultimamente l’ente spaziale sembra particolarmente preoccupato da tempeste solari potenzialmente devastanti per la nostra tecnologia (4), da piogge di meteoriti che potrebbero danneggiare le strutture in orbita, come la Stazione Spaziale International (5), and the strange behavior of the Sun, never observed previously (6), in particular the absence of sunspot activity, this course is slow to start. This unexpected behavior has knocked the software that "shape" the solar cycle, and is believed to have important influences on the Earth's climate, as evidenced by an unusually severe winter. It is considered even possible that the Sun is entering a completely new magnetic phase, in the foreseeable future completely prevent the formation of sunspots ...

All this frenzy may have something to do with the relentless , ubiquitous activities di aerosol sopra le nostre teste? Non lo so, ma se qualcuno avesse ancora dei dubbi sul fatto che alcuni dei composti delle famigerate “scie chimiche” ricadono direttamente al suolo, osservate questa foto, scattata da G. B., un carissimo amico, con attrezzatura fotografica professionale:

Quello che osservate ingrandito nella foto seguente non è un’aberrazione fotografica, né il frutto di un obiettivo sporco, né il risultato di una manipolazione fotografica. Ognuno tragga le proprie conclusioni…

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Early Onset Alzheimer's Vancouver


The valuable testimony of the courageous journalist and documentary filmmaker James Fox from Louisiana outlines a scenario worthy of our worst nightmares is being a large operation, apparently (and illegally, add) managed by the same BP together, it seems, to Chevron, which has been spread around a curtain of almost impenetrable protection. It is impossible to get close to the disaster area, or talk to any of the persons to carry out, bound to secrecy over the total. No one can film or photograph anything (on pain of confiscation of the machines), the airspace above the patch has been virtually closed (so you can not shoot from above to help understand the situation) have been reported and troops in full combat gear and the arrival at the military airport in Jacksonville for a large number of white vehicles of the United Nations. Lets assume that everything is about to be declared a state of emergency resulting in Martial Law. In other words, another insane step towards the realization of a New World Order.

Il corexit, solvente usato in quantità industriali per dissolvere le chiazze di petrolio (e occultare in tal modo la magnitudine della catastrofe in corso) sta provocando danni enormi, non solo all’ambiente marino ma anche all’atmosfera, in numerose aree letteralmente velenosa. Qualcuno ritiene possa ricadere sotto forma di piogge tossiche, addirittura per anni! (1) Senza dimenticare il benzene:

Oil now seems to come out directly from several cracks in the seafloor:

This video seems to confirm the fears expressed over a year ago by many geologists, according to which the seabed covered by the drilling of BP is markedly unstable if not outright dangerous because of the presence of a huge underground pocket of natural gas, under pressure to 100,000 pounds per square inch (PSI), and given the circumstances that the accident the platform was an event virtually Horizon Deep discounted, which now has set in motion a chain of irreversible consequences. Two members of Congress, in a report sent to the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, said: "It seems that BP has continued to take, one after the other, decisions to save time and money they have increased the risk of an explosion. "The fact is that there is now a real risk that the cracks on the bottom forming huge bubbles of methane gas under pressure and rising to the surface could wreak havoc on ships and drilling platforms in the area and kill large numbers of people.

But this is nothing yet: the worst case scenario indicates that if these bubbles were to further fracture the seabed, there will be an explosion of a power comparable to the devastating eruption of Mt Saint Helens, the Pacific Northwest in 1980 . A huge flow of gas you would way through miles of sedimentary rock, layer by layer, exploding with a rated pressure of 50 tons per square inch, which tears several miles of seabed in a huge explosion, killing everything it comes into contact and triggering a wave of tsunami almost supersonic speeds between 650 and 950 kilometers per hour and thirty feet high. (2) Florida Louisiana, Texas ... total devastation, with tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of victims. The icing on the cake, it seems that the oil that keeps coming out is also slightly radioactive! (3) Apparently, this factor is related, incidentally, just to the strong presence of methane. (4)

I really appreciated an email speditami just returned from Japan by my friend and colleague Andrea Rampado that dealing with your company Biokavitus technologies nanobubbles cavitation and pointed me to a brilliant solution for the oil recovery in the Gulf of Mexico proposed by a U.S. competitor. I agree with him that the maximum disclosure of these solutions is vital in situations like this. You can download here the very interesting document (in English).

We'll update as soon as possible on the situation, season with interesting news about what is happening to the Sun ...


1) ~ y2010m6d17-North-America-facing-years-of-toxic-rain-from-poisonous-BP- -oil-spill dispersants

2) ;



Early Onset Alzheimer's Vancouver


The valuable testimony of the courageous journalist and documentary filmmaker James Fox from Louisiana outlines a scenario worthy of our worst nightmares is being a large operation, apparently (and illegally, add) managed by the same BP together, it seems, to Chevron, which has been spread around a curtain of almost impenetrable protection. It is impossible to get close to the disaster area, or talk to any of the persons to carry out, bound to secrecy over the total. No one can film or photograph anything (on pain of confiscation of the machines), the airspace above the patch has been virtually closed (so you can not shoot from above to help understand the situation) have been reported and troops in full combat gear and the arrival at the military airport in Jacksonville for a large number of white vehicles of the United Nations. Lets assume that everything is about to be declared a state of emergency resulting in Martial Law. In other words, another insane step towards the realization of a New World Order.

Il corexit, solvente usato in quantità industriali per dissolvere le chiazze di petrolio (e occultare in tal modo la magnitudine della catastrofe in corso) sta provocando danni enormi, non solo all’ambiente marino ma anche all’atmosfera, in numerose aree letteralmente velenosa. Qualcuno ritiene possa ricadere sotto forma di piogge tossiche, addirittura per anni! (1) Senza dimenticare il benzene:

Oil now seems to come out directly from several cracks in the seafloor:

This video seems to confirm the fears expressed over a year ago by many geologists, according to which the seabed covered by the drilling of BP is markedly unstable if not outright dangerous because of the presence of a huge underground pocket of natural gas, under pressure to 100,000 pounds per square inch (PSI), and given the circumstances that the accident the platform was an event virtually Horizon Deep discounted, which now has set in motion a chain of irreversible consequences. Two members of Congress, in a report sent to the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, said: "It seems that BP has continued to take, one after the other, decisions to save time and money they have increased the risk of an explosion. "The fact is that there is now a real risk that the cracks on the bottom forming huge bubbles of methane gas under pressure and rising to the surface could wreak havoc on ships and drilling platforms in the area and kill large numbers of people.

But this is nothing yet: the worst case scenario indicates that if these bubbles were to further fracture the seabed, there will be an explosion of a power comparable to the devastating eruption of Mt Saint Helens, the Pacific Northwest in 1980 . A huge flow of gas you would way through miles of sedimentary rock, layer by layer, exploding with a rated pressure of 50 tons per square inch, which tears several miles of seabed in a huge explosion, killing everything it comes into contact and triggering a wave of tsunami almost supersonic speeds between 650 and 950 kilometers per hour and thirty feet high. (2) Florida Louisiana, Texas ... total devastation, with tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of victims. The icing on the cake, it seems that the oil that keeps coming out is also slightly radioactive! (3) Apparently, this factor is related, incidentally, just to the strong presence of methane. (4)

I really appreciated an email speditami just returned from Japan by my friend and colleague Andrea Rampado that dealing with your company Biokavitus technologies nanobubbles cavitation and pointed me to a brilliant solution for the oil recovery in the Gulf of Mexico proposed by a U.S. competitor. I agree with him that the maximum disclosure of these solutions is vital in situations like this. You can download here the very interesting document (in English).

We'll update as soon as possible on the situation, season with interesting news about what is happening to the Sun ...


1) ~ y2010m6d17-North-America-facing-years-of-toxic-rain-from-poisonous-BP- -oil-spill dispersants

2) ;



Monday, June 14, 2010

How To Hide Cable Wire On Wall


teletext that I learn from tomorrow (Tuesday, June 15) President Obama would have scheduled a speech to the nation, presumably to communicate to the public the latest data on the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Waiting to build a much more comprehensive article on the subject, maybe after you hear what this brilliant guide will inform of the American nation, I feel duty-bound to tell you a summary of findings based on information leaked by scientists silenced ( information reviewed by other specialists who confirm the reliability) and that the media are careful not to give:

It is estimated that the pressure with which the oil flows in the Gulf is between 20,000 and 70,000 psi (pounds per square inch) pressure can not be controlled. It is estimated that the daily amount of oil leaking from the seabed to be between 80,000 and 100,000 barrels of oil. The flow of oil and gas that comes from the well at high pressure brings with it sand and rocks, which produce an erosive effect on what remains of the latter and the exit hole. As a result, the diameter continues to widen, increasing the amount of oil leaking. Any containment device placed above the well is capable of withstanding enormous pressure.

Oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the cycle of the ocean current, which is at least four times stronger than before and I will take you around the world within 18 months. The possible consequences of such an alteration of the marine environment are currently unpredictable.

Petroleum, together with gas, benzene and various other toxins, are removing the oxygen from the water, killing all forms of ocean life. In addition to oil, reach the coast and then huge amounts of fish and other dead animals, further aggravating the environmental situation.

Once the intense pressure has removed the head of the shaft, the hole will continue to expand and the oil can flow freely in the Gulf of Mexico. When the huge bag that is 8 km below the ocean floor will be leaked several billion barrels of oil, the pressure will begin to normalize. At this point the great water pressure at a depth of 1,500 meters will cause it to penetrate into the hole e quindi nella sacca precedentemente occupata dal petrolio. Si stima che a quella profondità la temperatura possa raggiungere e forse superare i 200°C. L’acqua che penetra si trasformerà in vapore, creando un’enorme quantità di forza e sollevando il fondo oceanico. Difficile stabilire quanta acqua entrerà nella sacca e di conseguenza calcolare di quanto si potrà sollevare il fondo. È possibile che questo fenomeno crei uno tsunami con onde tra i 6 e i 25 metri, e forse anche di più. Dopodiché il fondo collasserà nella sacca ormai vuota: il modo con cui la natura sigillerà il buco.

A seconda dell’altezza delle onde dello tsunami, i detriti oceanici, il petrolio e le strutture esistenti verranno spazzate lungo le coste e nell’entroterra, devastando completamente l’area per un’ampiezza tra gli 80 e i 300 chilometri. Anche rimuovendo i detriti, gli elementi contaminanti che rimarranno nel terreno e nelle falde acquifere impediranno la ripopolazione di queste aree per un imprecisato numero di anni.

Naturalmente mi auguro di tutto cuore che questo pauroso scenario non abbia mai a verificarsi, ma è un fatto che tutti i tentativi sinora operati dalla BP per fermare la fuoriuscita di petrolio sono miseramente falliti, così come l’esistenza di un “cordone sanitario” attorno agli operatori impegnati nella zona che impedisce qualunque contatto con la stampa, i giornalisti, etc. Tornerò presto su questo e molto altro nel mio prossimo intervento; per ora vi lascio con un paio di vignette cercando di strapparvi una risata a denti stretti…


"Why is so dark here? The oil slick has already reached?"

"We'll tell you where his head?"

"Not yet. At least he found a way to plug a hole ..."

"Yes, but only the leaders di alto livello conoscono questa tecnica."

How To Hide Cable Wire On Wall


teletext that I learn from tomorrow (Tuesday, June 15) President Obama would have scheduled a speech to the nation, presumably to communicate to the public the latest data on the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Waiting to build a much more comprehensive article on the subject, maybe after you hear what this brilliant guide will inform of the American nation, I feel duty-bound to tell you a summary of findings based on information leaked by scientists silenced ( information reviewed by other specialists who confirm the reliability) and that the media are careful not to give:

It is estimated that the pressure with which the oil flows in the Gulf is between 20,000 and 70,000 psi (pounds per square inch) pressure can not be controlled. It is estimated that the daily amount of oil leaking from the seabed to be between 80,000 and 100,000 barrels of oil. The flow of oil and gas that comes from the well at high pressure brings with it sand and rocks, which produce an erosive effect on what remains of the latter and the exit hole. As a result, the diameter continues to widen, increasing the amount of oil leaking. Any containment device placed above the well is capable of withstanding enormous pressure.

Oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the cycle of the ocean current, which is at least four times stronger than before and I will take you around the world within 18 months. The possible consequences of such an alteration of the marine environment are currently unpredictable.

Petroleum, together with gas, benzene and various other toxins, are removing the oxygen from the water, killing all forms of ocean life. In addition to oil, reach the coast and then huge amounts of fish and other dead animals, further aggravating the environmental situation.

Once the intense pressure has removed the head of the shaft, the hole will continue to expand and the oil can flow freely in the Gulf of Mexico. When the huge bag that is 8 km below the ocean floor will be leaked several billion barrels of oil, the pressure will begin to normalize. At this point the great water pressure at a depth of 1,500 meters will cause it to penetrate into the hole e quindi nella sacca precedentemente occupata dal petrolio. Si stima che a quella profondità la temperatura possa raggiungere e forse superare i 200°C. L’acqua che penetra si trasformerà in vapore, creando un’enorme quantità di forza e sollevando il fondo oceanico. Difficile stabilire quanta acqua entrerà nella sacca e di conseguenza calcolare di quanto si potrà sollevare il fondo. È possibile che questo fenomeno crei uno tsunami con onde tra i 6 e i 25 metri, e forse anche di più. Dopodiché il fondo collasserà nella sacca ormai vuota: il modo con cui la natura sigillerà il buco.

A seconda dell’altezza delle onde dello tsunami, i detriti oceanici, il petrolio e le strutture esistenti verranno spazzate lungo le coste e nell’entroterra, devastando completamente l’area per un’ampiezza tra gli 80 e i 300 chilometri. Anche rimuovendo i detriti, gli elementi contaminanti che rimarranno nel terreno e nelle falde acquifere impediranno la ripopolazione di queste aree per un imprecisato numero di anni.

Naturalmente mi auguro di tutto cuore che questo pauroso scenario non abbia mai a verificarsi, ma è un fatto che tutti i tentativi sinora operati dalla BP per fermare la fuoriuscita di petrolio sono miseramente falliti, così come l’esistenza di un “cordone sanitario” attorno agli operatori impegnati nella zona che impedisce qualunque contatto con la stampa, i giornalisti, etc. Tornerò presto su questo e molto altro nel mio prossimo intervento; per ora vi lascio con un paio di vignette cercando di strapparvi una risata a denti stretti…


"Why is so dark here? The oil slick has already reached?"

"We'll tell you where his head?"

"Not yet. At least he found a way to plug a hole ..."

"Yes, but only the leaders di alto livello conoscono questa tecnica."