Is it really true that the reality exceeds the wildest fantasies, and that seems to be no limit incompetence, bad taste and the total disinterest of the characters, actors and supporting actors, directly or indirectly involved in the most serious global environmental catastrophe that history memories. Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP by 1 million pounds a year, he thought good to go and rest from troubles in the Gulf of Mexico by participating in the boat of 16 meters which is co-owner (and the value of 470,000 pounds) at a prestigious race in the blue waters of the Solent, at the Isle of Wight .

Poor Tony, you have to understand: the company that operates was explicitly accused of having lied to the U.S. Congress to reduce its liability in ' accident, after the disclosure of an internal document showing that the extent of fuoriuscita di petrolio nel Golfo del Messico venisse stimata essere venti volte maggiore delle cifre divulgate pubblicamente dalla BP. Laddove lo scenario peggiore previsto consisteva in 100.000 barili di petrolio al giorno, la compagnia parlava di 5.000 barili al giorno che nel peggiore dei casi potevano arrivare al massimo a 60.000.

Tyrone Benton, u no degli addetti alla piattaforma sopravvissuti all’incidente, ha dichiarato in un’intervista rilasciata alla BBC che già weeks before the disaster were leaking oil from the installation of security of the well, the so-called BOP (Blowout Preventer) that would close the valves in the event of an accident, it is the BP that Transocean, which manage the platform, had been warned of the problem and that the defective part was simply removed, rather than being replaced, so it is not necessary to stop production. Benton can not say if, before the blast, the replacement had been made.

However, Tony does not have to complain too much, since the resignations resigned in the case relied on by many, a cash bonus equal to 10.8 million pounds and an annual pension of 500,000 or so it seems.
Meanwhile, according to his own testimony before the congressional committee, it is expected that if you do not find a way to block the loss (they say it will not be possible before Christmas ...), oil continue to emerge for at least two years, maybe even four (based on conservative estimate of 60,000 barrels per day).
me laugh (not cry) when I hear that BP has secured a fund of 20 billion dollars to repay the damage: I agree with Patrick Martin (1) defines when a corporate crime as well imagination and states that the final cost of this terrible disaster, combining the damage to ecosystems, the tourism and fisheries, as well as the long-term health of local populations, is likely to exceed a trillion dollars (one million ).
ComeDonChisciotte published a couple of interesting articles (2), which deal with real reasons behind the accident, but the fact remains that I simply grotesque to quantify in cash an environmental disaster of such magnitude that no amount of money can ever compensate:
"When the 'last tree has been felled,
the last river poisoned,
the last fish caught,
you will find that you can not eat money. "
(crow's feet)
To add insult to injury, on June 22 a federal judge in New Orleans blocked a six-month moratorium on drilling in deep waters, set up by the Obama following the events that had suspended the approval of permit any new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The judge said the measure had to be considered "null" unjustified and, as the impact on local businesses (read: oil) would be simply too large (in other words, a negative impact on so-called "business ecosystem"). The White House will appeal against this decision ...
Nel frattempo il petrolio ha cominciato a lambire Cuba, penetrando nelle correnti oceaniche:
Osservate questa mappa delle correnti, studiatevela e fatevi due conti su dove potrà arrivare tutto quel petrolio col passare del tempo…

Per darvi meglio un’idea, questa immagine termica sarà d’aiuto per visualizzare come si diffonderà il petrolio con le correnti oceaniche…

Nel frattempo, in caso di “emergenza nazionale” il buon Obama verrà investito del potere di “spegnere” Internet a volontà: questo il controverso disegno di legge (3) proposto da Joe Liebermann, guarda caso a capo della commissione statunitense per la sicurezza interna. Coi tempi che corrono e gli scenari che si prospettano nelle prossime settimane, mi sembra che questa legge caschi proprio a fagiolo…
Ovvio che di fronte a un’apocalisse del genere, la perdita di petrolio da una piattaforma egiziana nel Mar Rosso sia ben poca cosa, se non fosse che la chiazza sta minacciando Hurghada, un paradiso naturale visitato annualmente da milioni di turisti per immergersi nelle sue acque (sinora) incontaminate.
Passando ad altro, mi domando quale gatta ci cova alla NASA? Ultimamente l’ente spaziale sembra particolarmente preoccupato da tempeste solari potenzialmente devastanti per la nostra tecnologia (4), da piogge di meteoriti che potrebbero danneggiare le strutture in orbita, come la Stazione Spaziale International (5), and the strange behavior of the Sun, never observed previously (6), in particular the absence of sunspot activity, this course is slow to start. This unexpected behavior has knocked the software that "shape" the solar cycle, and is believed to have important influences on the Earth's climate, as evidenced by an unusually severe winter. It is considered even possible that the Sun is entering a completely new magnetic phase, in the foreseeable future completely prevent the formation of sunspots ...
All this frenzy may have something to do with the relentless , ubiquitous activities di aerosol sopra le nostre teste? Non lo so, ma se qualcuno avesse ancora dei dubbi sul fatto che alcuni dei composti delle famigerate “scie chimiche” ricadono direttamente al suolo, osservate questa foto, scattata da G. B., un carissimo amico, con attrezzatura fotografica professionale: