Us Rejoice (blessed, after all the heat) the autumn, I look forward with feverish anxiety. I love this period, from September to November, when celebrating Samhain welcome the winter, the new year.
Mabon, I have big plans for this year, I want to celebrate it with my daughters, in simplicity, between us, as perhaps they should do the first Witches, our ancient sisters who could not have the ease of a freedom now badly exploited by too many self-styled followers of paganism with absurd representations.
I would like to set up a small altar with the gifts for my Lady, do something manual along with my daughters, decorate our home (where we are now, the MAP given to us after the earthquake of 2009 and where we live from May 15 this year ) and begin to enjoy a walk in the woods just yet felled to make way for homes for the displaced.
I dearly Estia, the Latin Vesta. A Fossa (AQ) where I live there is a necropolis of the 9th century. a. C. Vestini of so-called 'worshipers and followers of the Mother Goddess here known as Vesta. Is not that wonderful?
In my beginning on this journey I heard this, that and I want to be a guardian of the hearth . A Witch of the hearth. Women's knowledge of the place par excellence, along with Bosco.
particularly like Vesta, just as I love deeply Ceridwen, Brigid, Rhiannon, and Morrigan Hecate, and Morgana, but the real one, stripped of all additions hairpieces, one of the nine maidens of the Cauldron.
A handful of seeds, my desires, but this is a good time to put them on the ground and keep them waiting for new life.