Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can Bell's Palsy Come More Than Once

Tarte Tatin with Brie with Sweet and Sour Radicchio and Walnut

Tarte Tatin al Radicchio in Agrodolce con Brie e Noci

Last Sunday was a beautiful day.
a radiant sun shone and the temperature was acceptable. Early in the morning I am dedicated to the recent restoration I mentioned and my kitchen is finally complete. Even the bathroom, or nearly so, sooner or later I'll show you (this space is likely to become an interior design blog).
In the afternoon we visited some antique markets, where I bought some of the fabrics I need for the restyling of the living room. Sometimes I wonder whether it is appropriate to send an email to the editorial staff of Extreme Makeover Home Edition ... And then we brought
Myrtle Gardens, where he made the acquaintance of a poodle his part, the first dog who has finally deigned to play. I discovered that the poodles are classist.
Unfortunately, as I happen to many, with the waning of the last day of the weekend, especially if it was a good weekend, around 18:00 I took the usual ineffable melancholy ... A
maliconia that could only treat with a crunchy crust shell, filling to enclose a flowing, the crunchiness of the nuts and the bitterness of the radicchio, a companion piece to do with mine.


  • 1 head radicchio
  • 200 grams of brie
  • 2-3 handfuls of nuts
  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic cream
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt pepper extra virgin olive oil


tatin from the bottom of the mold (or a pan), pour a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey. Cut the radicchio into strips in this mixture and let it simmer until it is soft. Season with salt and pepper and mix in the walnuts. If you used the pan transfer it to the bottom of the pan, otherwise leave it in the mold. Cool. Add brie a cubotti.

Preparate la brisée lavorando burro, farina e un cucchiaino di sale, fino ad ottenere delle briciole, quindi compattate il tutto e stendetelo in maniera che copra il ripieno: adagiatelo su di esso, rimboccate i bordi e riponete in frigo.

Scaldate il forno a 180° e, solo quando sarà caldo, estraete la tortiera dal frigo e infornatela. Fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti, fino a doratura della brisée, quindi lasciate riposare 5 minuti e capovolgete la tarte tatin sul piatto di portata.

Can Bell's Palsy Come More Than Once

Tarte Tatin with Brie with Sweet and Sour Radicchio and Walnut

Tarte Tatin al Radicchio in Agrodolce con Brie e Noci

Last Sunday was a beautiful day.
a radiant sun shone and the temperature was acceptable. Early in the morning I am dedicated to the recent restoration I mentioned and my kitchen is finally complete. Even the bathroom, or nearly so, sooner or later I'll show you (this space is likely to become an interior design blog).
In the afternoon we visited some antique markets, where I bought some of the fabrics I need for the restyling of the living room. Sometimes I wonder whether it is appropriate to send an email to the editorial staff of Extreme Makeover Home Edition ... And then we brought
Myrtle Gardens, where he made the acquaintance of a poodle his part, the first dog who has finally deigned to play. I discovered that the poodles are classist.
Unfortunately, as I happen to many, with the waning of the last day of the weekend, especially if it was a good weekend, around 18:00 I took the usual ineffable melancholy ... A
maliconia that could only treat with a crunchy crust shell, filling to enclose a flowing, the crunchiness of the nuts and the bitterness of the radicchio, a companion piece to do with mine.


  • 1 head radicchio
  • 200 grams of brie
  • 2-3 handfuls of nuts
  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic cream
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt pepper extra virgin olive oil


tatin from the bottom of the mold (or a pan), pour a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey. Cut the radicchio into strips in this mixture and let it simmer until it is soft. Season with salt and pepper and mix in the walnuts. If you used the pan transfer it to the bottom of the pan, otherwise leave it in the mold. Cool. Add brie a cubotti.

Preparate la brisée lavorando burro, farina e un cucchiaino di sale, fino ad ottenere delle briciole, quindi compattate il tutto e stendetelo in maniera che copra il ripieno: adagiatelo su di esso, rimboccate i bordi e riponete in frigo.

Scaldate il forno a 180° e, solo quando sarà caldo, estraete la tortiera dal frigo e infornatela. Fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti, fino a doratura della brisée, quindi lasciate riposare 5 minuti e capovolgete la tarte tatin sul piatto di portata.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does 3-d Imax Cost At Silvercity Ottawa

streusel cake Blueberry clafoutis to

Torta Streusel ai Mirtilli

Dopo tante ricette un po' banali, finalmente, riesco a postarne una veramente sontuosa... non mi sento immodesta nel dirlo, this cake is a triumph: it is soft, creamy, sweet and crunchy at the same time, it's nice to see and good to eat.
I prepared for a dinner to which I wanted very much, which concluded that the long celebrations for my birthday (to compensate for the fact of being born on a day that does not exist, February 29, always celebrate at least 4 times diluted from the previous weekend and the next) with two dear friends.
Calmly publish all the dishes, because I have to admit that without fear of appearing presumptuous, for once, I felt really happy with me: a dinner simple but delicious, a beautiful mise en place, the house order, all made in less than a morning. I was left with much time to play in the park under the house with myrtle, read, have a three-hour afternoon nap, watch Jamie Oliver, revolutionizing the power of Huntington, West Virginia ... I know that I recently complained that the time not get enough, but sometimes, when I am able to live lightly, it seems to do certain things for themselves.
begin with the sweet because it is a bit 'that do not result: Lately, I've only done brûlées crèmes and a couple of disasters, and this I got really good.
I started with a recipe that involved the use of plums, but I'm still strong in my summer stock and I thought that the effect of blueberries that peeped hidden under the crumble would be just as beautiful. I think the original providing for a well-leavened cake topped with blueberries and topped by a crunchy streusel, but do not know why, my inside has been creamy, this does not mean raw, because the flour is used so little respect liquids that the taste was that of a cream.

Ingredients for streusel :
  • 50 g flour 50 g butter
  • 50 grams of almonds
  • 50 grams of sugar

Ingredienti per la torta :

  • 70 gr di farina
  • 1/2 bustina di lievito istantaneo
  • 100 gr di burro
  • 2 uova
  • 100 gr di zucchero + un cucchiaio
  • mirtilli qb


Prima di tutto preparate lo streusel, frullando tutti gli ingredienti a piccoli colpi di mixer, per ottenere delle briciole, tipo crumble, trasferitele in una ciotolina e mettete in frigo.

Frullate, sempre nel mixer, alla massima velocità, tutti gli ingredienti per la torta, tranne i mirtilli e il cucchiaio of extra sugar: you mount the mixture well until he has taken a very light color, then pour it into a pan with a zipper to 18 cm in diameter, well greased. Cover generously with blueberries (if using frozen ones pull them out of the freezer at the moment) and sprinkle with sugar. Blueberries topped with streusel very cold and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

I must point out that the recipe was to cook the cake for 1 hour and 10 ', then, perhaps, so the internal cooking to perfection, but the streusel chars ... if you want to get the desired effect on the recipe, maybe you should bake the cake for 45 minutes, then sprinkle with the streusel and continue cooking. I do not know, I liked it too.