Ingredients for 4:
- a fillet 150 gr. Grouper
- 200 gr. Spelt
- 300 gr. of radicchio
- 1 pippin apple canada
- 1 shallot
- 1 clove of garlic
- Seasonings for seafood Ariosto
- 2 kiwi
- 2 tomatoes datterini
parsley - 1 bay leaf
- white wine vinegar to taste
extra virgin olive oil - salt and pepper
Procedimento : lessare il farro al dente in abbondante acqua salata, quindi scolarlo, passarlo sotto un getto di acqua fredda per bloccare la cottura e tenerlo da parte.
Per la vinaigrette al kiwi : in una ciotola inserire un pizzico di sale con dell’olio extra vergine di oliva e qualche goccia di aceto di vino bianco, sbattere con una forchetta sino ad ottenere un’emulsione fluida. Sbucciare i kiwi, noi utilizzeremo solo la parte verde, la rimanente potete usarla per una macedonia . Sezionare i pomodorini a metà ed eliminare i semi. Tagliare a piccoli cubetti i kiwi e i pomodorini, aggiungerli alla ciotola con la vinaigrette mescolare e tenere da parte.
Per la salsa : In a saucepan, braise the shallots, finely chopped, add the apple, peeled, cut into small cubes, poached garlic and bay, cook for about ten minutes on low heat. (The apple canada is a fine variety apple, aroma, color yellow, with a strong smell, I think the perfect match to the radicchio in this context.) Now add the radicchio cut into strips and bring it to cooking. Only at the end add salt and pepper. Add the pearl barley boiled in the pan, stir and mix the ingredients well, cook for a few minutes, turn off the heat and add a sprinkling of chopped parsley. For
grouper : Wash and dry with kitchen paper grouper fillet, season both sides with the seasonings Ariosto fish, cut the fillet in pieces and then cook a few minutes per side in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Presentation: Place on a plate, with the help of a pasta bowl of Guardini, spelled with two disks of radicchio and apples on each plate place a morsel of grouper with a little 'at end of cooking, add the kiwi vinaigrette and fresh radicchio.
Recommended wine: Pinot Sauvignon del Veneto Orientale.
With this recipe I participate in the contest: "Fruit Pot "

and also participates in the "Contest for good "

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