Assuming that we had behind us as a member by the name of Straker (registered with the email address of the rosary . marcianò from which came the response verification) that is passed off as the real Rosario Marciano, the latter (Without feeling compelled, having regard to the criminalization of the charges, to contact us by phone for clarification or more) complained that after we were notified by the local police station. I will not dwell on the serious inconvenience to Andrea (who had, already in poor health, losing a day's work went by car up and down from Lombardy) and the loss of valuable time for me, nor the damage to the image and reputation of the undersigned and our respective activities. Never as in this case is the saying that "He who sows wind, collects storm" ...
I understand that Marco, who Is a computer expert, had already reported the networking activities of this person since June 2009, but since it has come to our forums to denounce it. On the other hand, Andrea, loyal to the Chinese saying that "if somebody puts it in c.. Or, do not move: his game you would!" Despite the call of "provocateurs" to freeze the forum, let me focus and merely waiting for the false Marciano came in the forum, has traced the IP, the company has tracked where the link originated in a jiffy and has unmasked. This is the result:
Good evening to all
I write these lines after becoming aware of what is really going on between Mr. Marciano and the drafting of NEXUS, I refer in particular to a complaint lodged by
Mr. Marc gained as a result of a growing misunderstanding between the two sides.
Somehow I have also entered in this story, in fact, quite innocently I had the idea to register in the forum with the nick of NEXUS:: Straker:: the nine of this September, what happened next is in the public domain.
is not public domain but that was my real intention in posting these interventions, however, that trace the thoughts expressed by Mr. Marciano in his blog .
First of all, it was not my intention to take possession of the identity of anyone, let alone to de-legitimize groped or cause problems to him or the forum of NEXUS.
My only real intention was quella di aprire un canale di dialogo costruttivo, attraverso una rappresentazione caricaturale di quello che era il clima instauratosi nei confronti di Armando De Para.
Erano volate parole grosse tra la redazione di NEXUS e i gestori del sito tankerenemy, si parlava di agenti infiltrati, paranoia e questo già da ben prima del mio intervento, quello che ho fatto io è stato di esporre questa contrapposizione che si era venuta a creare, in termini volutamente esagerati in modo da indurre una riflessione tra le parti e tra quanti leggevano quel susseguirsi di accuse reciproche.
Who has benefited from that attitude, I think anybody, and my speech, like it or not, however, has stirred up something, even if, unfortunately, has had the opposite effect of what I wanted to get a further tightening of the situation, culminating in a lawsuit to the drafting of NEXUS.
why I'm here to write this letter this evening, after a chat with Andrea came to the conclusion that what I regard, I extend my most sincere apologies to the operators of tankerenemy Antonio and Rosario Marciano, hoping that want to accept them and I repeat that my speech was not aimed at nor defamation, nor even to their discredit.
I offer my apologies for the preparation of NEXUS and Tom Wood into the extent to which my actions may have contributed all'inasprimento relations between them and Marciano.
I hope the situation can be attributed to a climate of peace and cooperation and is buried the hatchet in the air that I get excited, quest'ascia has caused pain a tutti.
Informo anche che provvederò a cancellare l’utenza ::Straker::
Ringrazio Andrea per la disponibilità e per aver capito il mio punto di vista.
Autorizzo la redazione di NEXUS a pubblicare, se necessario, questa lettera, omettendo di specificare le mie generalità.
Questa storia mi è già costata troppo.
In fede
At this point one wonders if the real purpose of the complaint in question was to identify the " false "or not but harm us Straker and delegitimize our business ... How to remember those who have followed the first signs of this painful affair, the first spark was struck when we first accepted in the forums and even then elevated to the rank of "provocation" in a section such a Gucumatz, even though he reported that it was a character clearly problematic. Prompted by Marciano to remove him from the forum because he said it was a known member of disinformation CICAP, we have not agreed to do so, although it could also be who is said to be. We have clarified that the forum NEXUS everyone has the right to express their ideas. As Andrea says, the forum in our "waste" are "treated and recycled" (his specialty ...), it is a kind of "rehabilitation center" for the diverse humanity that attends: plurilaureati professionals, priests, gurus, contacted, all and more! This is why there are moderators, but provocative, worthy of "the worst bar in Caracas." It should be remembered that there are many ways to cause: who is to induce free, then find bread for his teeth, but instead of accepting the fact of civil confrontation with others creates between managers and participants in the discussions a fruitful synergy , a moment of personal and collective. Gucumatz gave us this opportunity, in return for the opportunity to understand something more.
In this topsy-turvy world, where conspiracy to pass the real skeptics, skeptics suspected drink any idiocy provided from official sources or "specialist", and free thinkers become disinformation, it happens that someone from appropriating unworthy of a name and then misrepresent that a change of person. Ed Bishop must be turning in his grave, but for us it remains the only true and inimitable Commander Straker, when we were kids, we defend our Earth from alien invaders. Thanks, Ed!

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