Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can Bell's Palsy Come More Than Once

Tarte Tatin with Brie with Sweet and Sour Radicchio and Walnut

Tarte Tatin al Radicchio in Agrodolce con Brie e Noci

Last Sunday was a beautiful day.
a radiant sun shone and the temperature was acceptable. Early in the morning I am dedicated to the recent restoration I mentioned and my kitchen is finally complete. Even the bathroom, or nearly so, sooner or later I'll show you (this space is likely to become an interior design blog).
In the afternoon we visited some antique markets, where I bought some of the fabrics I need for the restyling of the living room. Sometimes I wonder whether it is appropriate to send an email to the editorial staff of Extreme Makeover Home Edition ... And then we brought
Myrtle Gardens, where he made the acquaintance of a poodle his part, the first dog who has finally deigned to play. I discovered that the poodles are classist.
Unfortunately, as I happen to many, with the waning of the last day of the weekend, especially if it was a good weekend, around 18:00 I took the usual ineffable melancholy ... A
maliconia that could only treat with a crunchy crust shell, filling to enclose a flowing, the crunchiness of the nuts and the bitterness of the radicchio, a companion piece to do with mine.


  • 1 head radicchio
  • 200 grams of brie
  • 2-3 handfuls of nuts
  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic cream
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt pepper extra virgin olive oil


tatin from the bottom of the mold (or a pan), pour a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey. Cut the radicchio into strips in this mixture and let it simmer until it is soft. Season with salt and pepper and mix in the walnuts. If you used the pan transfer it to the bottom of the pan, otherwise leave it in the mold. Cool. Add brie a cubotti.

Preparate la brisée lavorando burro, farina e un cucchiaino di sale, fino ad ottenere delle briciole, quindi compattate il tutto e stendetelo in maniera che copra il ripieno: adagiatelo su di esso, rimboccate i bordi e riponete in frigo.

Scaldate il forno a 180° e, solo quando sarà caldo, estraete la tortiera dal frigo e infornatela. Fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti, fino a doratura della brisée, quindi lasciate riposare 5 minuti e capovolgete la tarte tatin sul piatto di portata.

Can Bell's Palsy Come More Than Once

Tarte Tatin with Brie with Sweet and Sour Radicchio and Walnut

Tarte Tatin al Radicchio in Agrodolce con Brie e Noci

Last Sunday was a beautiful day.
a radiant sun shone and the temperature was acceptable. Early in the morning I am dedicated to the recent restoration I mentioned and my kitchen is finally complete. Even the bathroom, or nearly so, sooner or later I'll show you (this space is likely to become an interior design blog).
In the afternoon we visited some antique markets, where I bought some of the fabrics I need for the restyling of the living room. Sometimes I wonder whether it is appropriate to send an email to the editorial staff of Extreme Makeover Home Edition ... And then we brought
Myrtle Gardens, where he made the acquaintance of a poodle his part, the first dog who has finally deigned to play. I discovered that the poodles are classist.
Unfortunately, as I happen to many, with the waning of the last day of the weekend, especially if it was a good weekend, around 18:00 I took the usual ineffable melancholy ... A
maliconia that could only treat with a crunchy crust shell, filling to enclose a flowing, the crunchiness of the nuts and the bitterness of the radicchio, a companion piece to do with mine.


  • 1 head radicchio
  • 200 grams of brie
  • 2-3 handfuls of nuts
  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic cream
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt pepper extra virgin olive oil


tatin from the bottom of the mold (or a pan), pour a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey. Cut the radicchio into strips in this mixture and let it simmer until it is soft. Season with salt and pepper and mix in the walnuts. If you used the pan transfer it to the bottom of the pan, otherwise leave it in the mold. Cool. Add brie a cubotti.

Preparate la brisée lavorando burro, farina e un cucchiaino di sale, fino ad ottenere delle briciole, quindi compattate il tutto e stendetelo in maniera che copra il ripieno: adagiatelo su di esso, rimboccate i bordi e riponete in frigo.

Scaldate il forno a 180° e, solo quando sarà caldo, estraete la tortiera dal frigo e infornatela. Fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti, fino a doratura della brisée, quindi lasciate riposare 5 minuti e capovolgete la tarte tatin sul piatto di portata.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does 3-d Imax Cost At Silvercity Ottawa

streusel cake Blueberry clafoutis to

Torta Streusel ai Mirtilli

Dopo tante ricette un po' banali, finalmente, riesco a postarne una veramente sontuosa... non mi sento immodesta nel dirlo, this cake is a triumph: it is soft, creamy, sweet and crunchy at the same time, it's nice to see and good to eat.
I prepared for a dinner to which I wanted very much, which concluded that the long celebrations for my birthday (to compensate for the fact of being born on a day that does not exist, February 29, always celebrate at least 4 times diluted from the previous weekend and the next) with two dear friends.
Calmly publish all the dishes, because I have to admit that without fear of appearing presumptuous, for once, I felt really happy with me: a dinner simple but delicious, a beautiful mise en place, the house order, all made in less than a morning. I was left with much time to play in the park under the house with myrtle, read, have a three-hour afternoon nap, watch Jamie Oliver, revolutionizing the power of Huntington, West Virginia ... I know that I recently complained that the time not get enough, but sometimes, when I am able to live lightly, it seems to do certain things for themselves.
begin with the sweet because it is a bit 'that do not result: Lately, I've only done brûlées crèmes and a couple of disasters, and this I got really good.
I started with a recipe that involved the use of plums, but I'm still strong in my summer stock and I thought that the effect of blueberries that peeped hidden under the crumble would be just as beautiful. I think the original providing for a well-leavened cake topped with blueberries and topped by a crunchy streusel, but do not know why, my inside has been creamy, this does not mean raw, because the flour is used so little respect liquids that the taste was that of a cream.

Ingredients for streusel :
  • 50 g flour 50 g butter
  • 50 grams of almonds
  • 50 grams of sugar

Ingredienti per la torta :

  • 70 gr di farina
  • 1/2 bustina di lievito istantaneo
  • 100 gr di burro
  • 2 uova
  • 100 gr di zucchero + un cucchiaio
  • mirtilli qb


Prima di tutto preparate lo streusel, frullando tutti gli ingredienti a piccoli colpi di mixer, per ottenere delle briciole, tipo crumble, trasferitele in una ciotolina e mettete in frigo.

Frullate, sempre nel mixer, alla massima velocità, tutti gli ingredienti per la torta, tranne i mirtilli e il cucchiaio of extra sugar: you mount the mixture well until he has taken a very light color, then pour it into a pan with a zipper to 18 cm in diameter, well greased. Cover generously with blueberries (if using frozen ones pull them out of the freezer at the moment) and sprinkle with sugar. Blueberries topped with streusel very cold and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

I must point out that the recipe was to cook the cake for 1 hour and 10 ', then, perhaps, so the internal cooking to perfection, but the streusel chars ... if you want to get the desired effect on the recipe, maybe you should bake the cake for 45 minutes, then sprinkle with the streusel and continue cooking. I do not know, I liked it too.

How Much Does 3-d Imax Cost At Silvercity Ottawa

streusel cake Blueberry clafoutis to

Torta Streusel ai Mirtilli

Dopo tante ricette un po' banali, finalmente, riesco a postarne una veramente sontuosa... non mi sento immodesta nel dirlo, this cake is a triumph: it is soft, creamy, sweet and crunchy at the same time, it's nice to see and good to eat.
I prepared for a dinner to which I wanted very much, which concluded that the long celebrations for my birthday (to compensate for the fact of being born on a day that does not exist, February 29, always celebrate at least 4 times diluted from the previous weekend and the next) with two dear friends.
Calmly publish all the dishes, because I have to admit that without fear of appearing presumptuous, for once, I felt really happy with me: a dinner simple but delicious, a beautiful mise en place, the house order, all made in less than a morning. I was left with much time to play in the park under the house with myrtle, read, have a three-hour afternoon nap, watch Jamie Oliver, revolutionizing the power of Huntington, West Virginia ... I know that I recently complained that the time not get enough, but sometimes, when I am able to live lightly, it seems to do certain things for themselves.
begin with the sweet because it is a bit 'that do not result: Lately, I've only done brûlées crèmes and a couple of disasters, and this I got really good.
I started with a recipe that involved the use of plums, but I'm still strong in my summer stock and I thought that the effect of blueberries that peeped hidden under the crumble would be just as beautiful. I think the original providing for a well-leavened cake topped with blueberries and topped by a crunchy streusel, but do not know why, my inside has been creamy, this does not mean raw, because the flour is used so little respect liquids that the taste was that of a cream.

Ingredients for streusel :
  • 50 g flour 50 g butter
  • 50 grams of almonds
  • 50 grams of sugar

Ingredienti per la torta :

  • 70 gr di farina
  • 1/2 bustina di lievito istantaneo
  • 100 gr di burro
  • 2 uova
  • 100 gr di zucchero + un cucchiaio
  • mirtilli qb


Prima di tutto preparate lo streusel, frullando tutti gli ingredienti a piccoli colpi di mixer, per ottenere delle briciole, tipo crumble, trasferitele in una ciotolina e mettete in frigo.

Frullate, sempre nel mixer, alla massima velocità, tutti gli ingredienti per la torta, tranne i mirtilli e il cucchiaio of extra sugar: you mount the mixture well until he has taken a very light color, then pour it into a pan with a zipper to 18 cm in diameter, well greased. Cover generously with blueberries (if using frozen ones pull them out of the freezer at the moment) and sprinkle with sugar. Blueberries topped with streusel very cold and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

I must point out that the recipe was to cook the cake for 1 hour and 10 ', then, perhaps, so the internal cooking to perfection, but the streusel chars ... if you want to get the desired effect on the recipe, maybe you should bake the cake for 45 minutes, then sprinkle with the streusel and continue cooking. I do not know, I liked it too.

What Kind Of Dog Lady And The Tramp Jock

Piccole mimose

Oggi vi presento una mia rivisitazione della torta mimosa.

Per la marmellata di ananas:
- 500 gr. di polpa di ananas fresco a cubetti
- 300 gr.di zucchero
- qualche goccia di limone bio

inserire la polpa di ananas a cubetti in una ciotola aggiungere lo zucchero e qualche goccia di limone, mescolare gli ingredienti , chiudere il recipiente e lasciar riposare in frigo per almeno due ore. Mettere quindi sul fuoco e lasciar cuocere per circa 30 minuti a fuoco dolce, mescolando spesso, poi passare il tutto al setaccio con i fori piccoli. Rimettere la marmellata sul fuoco per 15 minuti circa, oppure sino ad ottenere la densità desiderata; io personalmente for this recipe, I prefer the rather fluid.

For the sponge:
- bio
2 eggs - 70 gr.
sugar - 20 gr.
of butter - 70 gr.
flour - 40 gr. starch
- 20 cc.
of milk - a few drops of almond flavoring
- a pinch of salt

In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with sugar and add melted butter in a double boiler, stirring constantly, salt, almond flavoring, and the two flours. Beat the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture, transfer the mixture into the pan Guardini and bake at 180 for about 20 minutes

For the cream:
- 200 cc.
milk - 2 egg yolks bio
- 40 gr.
sugar - 20 gr. flour
- 10 cc. limoncello

in a saucepan boil the milk with the lemon. In a separate bowl, attach the egg yolks with sugar until they become foamy, add the flour a bit 'at a time and stir with a whisk. Dilute the mixture with the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook the cream over a low heat, remove from fire when it thickens and then let cool.

- wet cake maraschino
- some strawberries,
- a handful of chopped pistachios
- 6 cups portion

Composition of fish: we get the sponge cake squares in two sizes. To the bottom of a short first square of sponge cake, with the help of a pastry brush to wet the brush with the maraschino, then enter a spoonful of pineapple jam fluid, then another square of sponge cake brushed with maraschino, then a generous amount of pastry cream, crumbled on top of each cup a bit 'left of the sponge, and then decorate with a few slices of strawberries and chopped pistachios. Let stand in refrigerator two hours before serving.

Recommended wine: Moscato Colli Hills.

See also: mimosa cake with strawberries and small meringues.

What Kind Of Dog Lady And The Tramp Jock

Piccole mimose

Oggi vi presento una mia rivisitazione della torta mimosa.

Per la marmellata di ananas:
- 500 gr. di polpa di ananas fresco a cubetti
- 300 gr.di zucchero
- qualche goccia di limone bio

inserire la polpa di ananas a cubetti in una ciotola aggiungere lo zucchero e qualche goccia di limone, mescolare gli ingredienti , chiudere il recipiente e lasciar riposare in frigo per almeno due ore. Mettere quindi sul fuoco e lasciar cuocere per circa 30 minuti a fuoco dolce, mescolando spesso, poi passare il tutto al setaccio con i fori piccoli. Rimettere la marmellata sul fuoco per 15 minuti circa, oppure sino ad ottenere la densità desiderata; io personalmente for this recipe, I prefer the rather fluid.

For the sponge:
- bio
2 eggs - 70 gr.
sugar - 20 gr.
of butter - 70 gr.
flour - 40 gr. starch
- 20 cc.
of milk - a few drops of almond flavoring
- a pinch of salt

In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with sugar and add melted butter in a double boiler, stirring constantly, salt, almond flavoring, and the two flours. Beat the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture, transfer the mixture into the pan Guardini and bake at 180 for about 20 minutes

For the cream:
- 200 cc.
milk - 2 egg yolks bio
- 40 gr.
sugar - 20 gr. flour
- 10 cc. limoncello

in a saucepan boil the milk with the lemon. In a separate bowl, attach the egg yolks with sugar until they become foamy, add the flour a bit 'at a time and stir with a whisk. Dilute the mixture with the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook the cream over a low heat, remove from fire when it thickens and then let cool.

- wet cake maraschino
- some strawberries,
- a handful of chopped pistachios
- 6 cups portion

Composition of fish: we get the sponge cake squares in two sizes. To the bottom of a short first square of sponge cake, with the help of a pastry brush to wet the brush with the maraschino, then enter a spoonful of pineapple jam fluid, then another square of sponge cake brushed with maraschino, then a generous amount of pastry cream, crumbled on top of each cup a bit 'left of the sponge, and then decorate with a few slices of strawberries and chopped pistachios. Let stand in refrigerator two hours before serving.

Recommended wine: Moscato Colli Hills.

See also: mimosa cake with strawberries and small meringues.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rink Refrigeration Auction

Albums with Peas, Prosciutto and cheese with fine herbs

Clafoutis di Albumi con Piselli, Prosciutto e Formaggio alle Erbe

Here, this time I changed kind, but I responded to the short distance holsters ... Well, for one reason or another can no longer organize the blog with the care that my baby would require. In truth, it is a period that I can not keep up with anything having to four books on the waiting list on the bedside table, a thousand recipes in pending in to do list, to see two films at the cinema, three shelves to finish the restoration, five days of non-grooming Myrtle, dozens of customers to be contacted, three sessions of reflexology have paid to be fixed and you do not count the days when I skipped the meditation. I wonder if I demand too much from myself or if they are too lenient towards my defections.
one thing, however, remain strict: the food is thrown, and in my opinion, to advance the egg whites to make meringue is a waste. Sometimes I prepare and I are also good, but eating them does not satisfy me.
Instead, I discovered one thing: that the clafoutis and the filling of quiches, if made with egg whites only, swell like soufflés, then only that one piece that just add a little 'more than salt, spices or herbs to not to point out to anyone la differenza con quelli fatti con le uova intere.

  • 4 albumi
  • 150 gr di formaggio spalmabile aromatizzato alle erbe
  • 100 gr di prosciutto cotto
  • 1/2 barattolo di piselli (o 120 gr di piselli sgusciati)
  • sale
  • pepe


Sbattete bene gli albumi con il formaggio, fino ad amalgamarli. Tagliate il prosciutto a dadini e aggiungetelo al composto, infine unite i piselli. Salate, pepate e distribuite il composto tra due cocottes grandi o 4 piccole. Infornate a 180° for about 20 'or at least long enough to brown slightly swollen and the surface

Rink Refrigeration Auction

Albums with Peas, Prosciutto and cheese with fine herbs

Clafoutis di Albumi con Piselli, Prosciutto e Formaggio alle Erbe

Here, this time I changed kind, but I responded to the short distance holsters ... Well, for one reason or another can no longer organize the blog with the care that my baby would require. In truth, it is a period that I can not keep up with anything having to four books on the waiting list on the bedside table, a thousand recipes in pending in to do list, to see two films at the cinema, three shelves to finish the restoration, five days of non-grooming Myrtle, dozens of customers to be contacted, three sessions of reflexology have paid to be fixed and you do not count the days when I skipped the meditation. I wonder if I demand too much from myself or if they are too lenient towards my defections.
one thing, however, remain strict: the food is thrown, and in my opinion, to advance the egg whites to make meringue is a waste. Sometimes I prepare and I are also good, but eating them does not satisfy me.
Instead, I discovered one thing: that the clafoutis and the filling of quiches, if made with egg whites only, swell like soufflés, then only that one piece that just add a little 'more than salt, spices or herbs to not to point out to anyone la differenza con quelli fatti con le uova intere.

  • 4 albumi
  • 150 gr di formaggio spalmabile aromatizzato alle erbe
  • 100 gr di prosciutto cotto
  • 1/2 barattolo di piselli (o 120 gr di piselli sgusciati)
  • sale
  • pepe


Sbattete bene gli albumi con il formaggio, fino ad amalgamarli. Tagliate il prosciutto a dadini e aggiungetelo al composto, infine unite i piselli. Salate, pepate e distribuite il composto tra due cocottes grandi o 4 piccole. Infornate a 180° for about 20 'or at least long enough to brown slightly swollen and the surface

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pastors Anniversary Program

The Don Bosco

In a frame building ever seen in our face the first in the standings. The enforced absence of Vergano, Baros, Neira, Beltramo and Parusso have revolutionized the attitude of Don Bosco. Blessed

then appeal to players of the ISC. Younger fans, all belonging to the youth of Don Bosco are a hell of typhoid and become the sixth man on the pitch. Rivoli part to spur beaten and driven from Pet Rocks and Davide Sola Zabaldano flying along with the +10 (15 to 5). Still Rivoli, where he highlights a Fuligno fierce opponents on the shooters, in fact the dreaded Rappi Monachino and are hunted by tarantolato play Rivoli.

Halfway through the race ahead of Rivoli 8 (26 to 18). Same attitude, same players and same quintet, but the result does not change and we are in the third quarter to 35 to 25. The audience is in raptures. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Don Bosco is impenetrable. We

the fourth quarter and 7 minutes for the result does not change, so it's always Rivoli
Menara dances and to get to + 12. Then the unexpected: Fuligno (remember that was in his third game after a long injury) out for cramps and David reached the limit of fouls for Sassi. Obviously, their deputies entered the cold and pay duty by Alfieri great team that is three minutes ago a brek from 2 to 16 and the final siren may feast for the narrow escape.

In basketball wins at the buzzer has achieved the highest score, of course, but if it were stato un incontro che so di boxe Rivoli avrebbe vinto largamente ai punti.

Rimane l'amarezza per non aver regalato ai nostri stupendi piccoli tifosi la gioia della vittoria dopo una partita condotta in vantaggio. Ringraziamo tutti i presenti sugli spalti che con il loro tifo ci han dato una carica incredibile, trasformando una prevista mattanza (l'Alfieri squadra prima in classifica e con giocatori importanti per la categoria, oltre che condotto magistralmente da Bevilacqua) in una partita combattuta e divertente.

Miglior quintetto, facile da dire, i cinque titolari: Fuligno, Sola, Sassi D. Zabaldano e Sassi A.
Migliore dei nostri: Fuligno e Sola

D.B. Rivoli - Alfieri To: 41 a 45 (15 a 5/ 26 a 18/ 35 to 25)

DB Rivoli: Piana, Sassi A 4, Sola 13, Rubbo, Bo, Sassi D. 9, Fuligno 8, Zabaldano 7, Troisi, Prette. Appendix Bl

Alfieri To: 12 Pilate, Biga 13, Alara 4, 4 Monachino, Rapp 5, 7 Stifanelli, Galli, Mariuzzo, Nicolosi, Caprioglio. Herds Bevilacqua.

Referees Tordella and Pigozzi Turin

John Fuligno

Pastors Anniversary Program

The Don Bosco

In a frame building ever seen in our face the first in the standings. The enforced absence of Vergano, Baros, Neira, Beltramo and Parusso have revolutionized the attitude of Don Bosco. Blessed

then appeal to players of the ISC. Younger fans, all belonging to the youth of Don Bosco are a hell of typhoid and become the sixth man on the pitch. Rivoli part to spur beaten and driven from Pet Rocks and Davide Sola Zabaldano flying along with the +10 (15 to 5). Still Rivoli, where he highlights a Fuligno fierce opponents on the shooters, in fact the dreaded Rappi Monachino and are hunted by tarantolato play Rivoli.

Halfway through the race ahead of Rivoli 8 (26 to 18). Same attitude, same players and same quintet, but the result does not change and we are in the third quarter to 35 to 25. The audience is in raptures. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Don Bosco is impenetrable. We

the fourth quarter and 7 minutes for the result does not change, so it's always Rivoli
Menara dances and to get to + 12. Then the unexpected: Fuligno (remember that was in his third game after a long injury) out for cramps and David reached the limit of fouls for Sassi. Obviously, their deputies entered the cold and pay duty by Alfieri great team that is three minutes ago a brek from 2 to 16 and the final siren may feast for the narrow escape.

In basketball wins at the buzzer has achieved the highest score, of course, but if it were stato un incontro che so di boxe Rivoli avrebbe vinto largamente ai punti.

Rimane l'amarezza per non aver regalato ai nostri stupendi piccoli tifosi la gioia della vittoria dopo una partita condotta in vantaggio. Ringraziamo tutti i presenti sugli spalti che con il loro tifo ci han dato una carica incredibile, trasformando una prevista mattanza (l'Alfieri squadra prima in classifica e con giocatori importanti per la categoria, oltre che condotto magistralmente da Bevilacqua) in una partita combattuta e divertente.

Miglior quintetto, facile da dire, i cinque titolari: Fuligno, Sola, Sassi D. Zabaldano e Sassi A.
Migliore dei nostri: Fuligno e Sola

D.B. Rivoli - Alfieri To: 41 a 45 (15 a 5/ 26 a 18/ 35 to 25)

DB Rivoli: Piana, Sassi A 4, Sola 13, Rubbo, Bo, Sassi D. 9, Fuligno 8, Zabaldano 7, Troisi, Prette. Appendix Bl

Alfieri To: 12 Pilate, Biga 13, Alara 4, 4 Monachino, Rapp 5, 7 Stifanelli, Galli, Mariuzzo, Nicolosi, Caprioglio. Herds Bevilacqua.

Referees Tordella and Pigozzi Turin

John Fuligno

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Kits

spreads the Moncton Excellence

begin the commentary of the final outcome of the first leg, 30 to 47 for Moncton. It was one of the worst performances of our team, perhaps the lowest point ever reached in our recent history. Now here we go again to face the New Moncalieri. A classic season for our team, because this is the third consecutive season that crossed our paths with them, both in FIP and the CIS. Over the years they have created a healthy and friendly, it must be said, rivalry. Spent the preambles of the game we are the rite. Check out the sprint Moncalieri that we respond only with the initials Neira that 7 out of 9 total points of our first quarter. The play seems Fuligno ball but fouls trivial it recommended the replacement soon. Final quarter of 12 to 9. In the second quarter of the match the trend is reversed, we start to play as a team, while Moncalieri, only seven presented themselves
begin to show signs of slowing down and for them the way of the basket becomes increasingly difficult. Neira is monumental for him to end double double double, or 20 (twenty!) Rebounds and 19 points. We went to the break along the 20 to 27. In the third quarter the teams are balanced, but our work on the sides exhausted opponents. Fuligno press and is then pressed. The amount of energy to stop the play will be costly to our tarantolato Moncalieri. In fact the last quarter Moncalieri and Rivoli ramp is literally stunned. Touch on even the winds to settle on the final siren 32 to 49. Salvation in CSI is getting closer. Good defense team, some of this review that the attack was a mistake industrial quantities of easy shots. Something has to be reviewed but we on the right track. Best
quintet: Neira, Fuligno, Beltramo, Bosco and Fasolo cite but also foxes and Prego.
MVP: a ubiquitous Neira.

New Moncalieri - DB Rivoli: 32 to 49 (12 to 9 / 20 to 27/29 to 36)

New Moncalieri: 8 Accardo, Sleep 5, Zanini, Mammone 6, 10 Santoro, Masiero, Tolardo, Fabiano 3. Herds Ferrero

DB Rivoli: Fuligno 6, Prego 3, Volpi 2, Bertrand 8, Woods 3, 6 Fasolo, Gentile, Neira 19, Parusso 2, Rubbo. Appendix Bl

Referee Canola from Turin.

John Fuligno

Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Kits

spreads the Moncton Excellence

begin the commentary of the final outcome of the first leg, 30 to 47 for Moncton. It was one of the worst performances of our team, perhaps the lowest point ever reached in our recent history. Now here we go again to face the New Moncalieri. A classic season for our team, because this is the third consecutive season that crossed our paths with them, both in FIP and the CIS. Over the years they have created a healthy and friendly, it must be said, rivalry. Spent the preambles of the game we are the rite. Check out the sprint Moncalieri that we respond only with the initials Neira that 7 out of 9 total points of our first quarter. The play seems Fuligno ball but fouls trivial it recommended the replacement soon. Final quarter of 12 to 9. In the second quarter of the match the trend is reversed, we start to play as a team, while Moncalieri, only seven presented themselves
begin to show signs of slowing down and for them the way of the basket becomes increasingly difficult. Neira is monumental for him to end double double double, or 20 (twenty!) Rebounds and 19 points. We went to the break along the 20 to 27. In the third quarter the teams are balanced, but our work on the sides exhausted opponents. Fuligno press and is then pressed. The amount of energy to stop the play will be costly to our tarantolato Moncalieri. In fact the last quarter Moncalieri and Rivoli ramp is literally stunned. Touch on even the winds to settle on the final siren 32 to 49. Salvation in CSI is getting closer. Good defense team, some of this review that the attack was a mistake industrial quantities of easy shots. Something has to be reviewed but we on the right track. Best
quintet: Neira, Fuligno, Beltramo, Bosco and Fasolo cite but also foxes and Prego.
MVP: a ubiquitous Neira.

New Moncalieri - DB Rivoli: 32 to 49 (12 to 9 / 20 to 27/29 to 36)

New Moncalieri: 8 Accardo, Sleep 5, Zanini, Mammone 6, 10 Santoro, Masiero, Tolardo, Fabiano 3. Herds Ferrero

DB Rivoli: Fuligno 6, Prego 3, Volpi 2, Bertrand 8, Woods 3, 6 Fasolo, Gentile, Neira 19, Parusso 2, Rubbo. Appendix Bl

Referee Canola from Turin.

John Fuligno

How Long Can Anorexics Live

Cream of Carrot with Toasted Cashew and Yoghurt Curry at Sumac

Crema di Carote con Anacardi Tostati al Curry e Yoghurt al Sumac

I know, lately I'm a little' repetitive, I do not suggest that spicy soups with chopped nuts varies this type and this, though, as you see, change the holsters.
say that not enough? Well, get ready, because soon impresses further with my recent office inventive in the kitchen, offering the soup that has accompanied me on a weekly basis throughout the winter, this is a great triumph of atypical, I must say, to the point that I are heard to say "again??" even from Topy79, which normally play a horn so that a violin.
Evvabbè, in times of famine is that and more, if you will cease to update until I can think of something less popular. Maybe one day I will get back the desire to invent, who knows?

  • 500 grams of carrots
  • 1 onion 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 50 grams of cashew
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of curry
  • a yoghurt
  • 1 teaspoon sumac
  • olio di semi
  • sale
  • pepe


Affettate sottilmente la cipolla e fatela appassire nell'olio. Aggiungete le carote tagliate a rondelle e lasciatele insaporire qualche minuto. Aggiungete il brodo, chiudete la pentola a pressione e fate cuocere per 15' dal fischio. Calcolate 1 lt di brodo e 30' dall'ebollizione se utilizzate la pentola tradizionale.

Nel frattempo tostate gli anacardi con il curry in una padellina antiaderente e pestateli grossolanamente nel mortaio.

Mescolate lo yoghurt con il sumac.

Frullate la zuppa, aggiungete lo yoghurt e gli anacardi.


visto che mi sono stati chiesti lumi sul sumac,

trattasi di una spezia asprigna,

dal sapore limonoso.

Potete sostituirla con zenzero o ras el hanout.

How Long Can Anorexics Live

Cream of Carrot with Toasted Cashew and Yoghurt Curry at Sumac

Crema di Carote con Anacardi Tostati al Curry e Yoghurt al Sumac

I know, lately I'm a little' repetitive, I do not suggest that spicy soups with chopped nuts varies this type and this, though, as you see, change the holsters.
say that not enough? Well, get ready, because soon impresses further with my recent office inventive in the kitchen, offering the soup that has accompanied me on a weekly basis throughout the winter, this is a great triumph of atypical, I must say, to the point that I are heard to say "again??" even from Topy79, which normally play a horn so that a violin.
Evvabbè, in times of famine is that and more, if you will cease to update until I can think of something less popular. Maybe one day I will get back the desire to invent, who knows?

  • 500 grams of carrots
  • 1 onion 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 50 grams of cashew
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of curry
  • a yoghurt
  • 1 teaspoon sumac
  • olio di semi
  • sale
  • pepe


Affettate sottilmente la cipolla e fatela appassire nell'olio. Aggiungete le carote tagliate a rondelle e lasciatele insaporire qualche minuto. Aggiungete il brodo, chiudete la pentola a pressione e fate cuocere per 15' dal fischio. Calcolate 1 lt di brodo e 30' dall'ebollizione se utilizzate la pentola tradizionale.

Nel frattempo tostate gli anacardi con il curry in una padellina antiaderente e pestateli grossolanamente nel mortaio.

Mescolate lo yoghurt con il sumac.

Frullate la zuppa, aggiungete lo yoghurt e gli anacardi.


visto che mi sono stati chiesti lumi sul sumac,

trattasi di una spezia asprigna,

dal sapore limonoso.

Potete sostituirla con zenzero o ras el hanout.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Unlock Combination Lock On Luggage

Farro al radicchio, mele e cernia con vinaigrette al kiwi.

Ingredients for 4:

- a fillet 150 gr. Grouper
- 200 gr. Spelt
- 300 gr. of radicchio
- 1 pippin apple canada
- 1 shallot
- 1 clove of garlic
- Seasonings for seafood Ariosto
- 2 kiwi
- 2 tomatoes datterini
parsley - 1 bay leaf
- white wine vinegar to taste
extra virgin olive oil - salt and pepper

Procedimento : lessare il farro al dente in abbondante acqua salata, quindi scolarlo, passarlo sotto un getto di acqua fredda per bloccare la cottura e tenerlo da parte.

Per la vinaigrette al kiwi : in una ciotola inserire un pizzico di sale con dell’olio extra vergine di oliva e qualche goccia di aceto di vino bianco, sbattere con una forchetta sino ad ottenere un’emulsione fluida. Sbucciare i kiwi, noi utilizzeremo solo la parte verde, la rimanente potete usarla per una macedonia . Sezionare i pomodorini a metà ed eliminare i semi. Tagliare a piccoli cubetti i kiwi e i pomodorini, aggiungerli alla ciotola con la vinaigrette mescolare e tenere da parte.

Per la salsa : In a saucepan, braise the shallots, finely chopped, add the apple, peeled, cut into small cubes, poached garlic and bay, cook for about ten minutes on low heat. (The apple canada is a fine variety apple, aroma, color yellow, with a strong smell, I think the perfect match to the radicchio in this context.) Now add the radicchio cut into strips and bring it to cooking. Only at the end add salt and pepper. Add the pearl barley boiled in the pan, stir and mix the ingredients well, cook for a few minutes, turn off the heat and add a sprinkling of chopped parsley. For

grouper : Wash and dry with kitchen paper grouper fillet, season both sides with the seasonings Ariosto fish, cut the fillet in pieces and then cook a few minutes per side in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Presentation: Place on a plate, with the help of a pasta bowl of Guardini, spelled with two disks of radicchio and apples on each plate place a morsel of grouper with a little 'at end of cooking, add the kiwi vinaigrette and fresh radicchio.

Recommended wine: Pinot Sauvignon del Veneto Orientale.

With this recipe I participate in the contest: "Fruit Pot "

and also participates in the "Contest for good "

Unlock Combination Lock On Luggage

Farro al radicchio, mele e cernia con vinaigrette al kiwi.

Ingredients for 4:

- a fillet 150 gr. Grouper
- 200 gr. Spelt
- 300 gr. of radicchio
- 1 pippin apple canada
- 1 shallot
- 1 clove of garlic
- Seasonings for seafood Ariosto
- 2 kiwi
- 2 tomatoes datterini
parsley - 1 bay leaf
- white wine vinegar to taste
extra virgin olive oil - salt and pepper

Procedimento : lessare il farro al dente in abbondante acqua salata, quindi scolarlo, passarlo sotto un getto di acqua fredda per bloccare la cottura e tenerlo da parte.

Per la vinaigrette al kiwi : in una ciotola inserire un pizzico di sale con dell’olio extra vergine di oliva e qualche goccia di aceto di vino bianco, sbattere con una forchetta sino ad ottenere un’emulsione fluida. Sbucciare i kiwi, noi utilizzeremo solo la parte verde, la rimanente potete usarla per una macedonia . Sezionare i pomodorini a metà ed eliminare i semi. Tagliare a piccoli cubetti i kiwi e i pomodorini, aggiungerli alla ciotola con la vinaigrette mescolare e tenere da parte.

Per la salsa : In a saucepan, braise the shallots, finely chopped, add the apple, peeled, cut into small cubes, poached garlic and bay, cook for about ten minutes on low heat. (The apple canada is a fine variety apple, aroma, color yellow, with a strong smell, I think the perfect match to the radicchio in this context.) Now add the radicchio cut into strips and bring it to cooking. Only at the end add salt and pepper. Add the pearl barley boiled in the pan, stir and mix the ingredients well, cook for a few minutes, turn off the heat and add a sprinkling of chopped parsley. For

grouper : Wash and dry with kitchen paper grouper fillet, season both sides with the seasonings Ariosto fish, cut the fillet in pieces and then cook a few minutes per side in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Presentation: Place on a plate, with the help of a pasta bowl of Guardini, spelled with two disks of radicchio and apples on each plate place a morsel of grouper with a little 'at end of cooking, add the kiwi vinaigrette and fresh radicchio.

Recommended wine: Pinot Sauvignon del Veneto Orientale.

With this recipe I participate in the contest: "Fruit Pot "

and also participates in the "Contest for good "

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quads For Sale In California

Maybe it's time to unveil. ..

... cosa si nasconde dietro ai cartoncini degli sfondi delle mie foto...

Questa è la mia cucina...
... o, meglio, lo è da qualche settimana: quello che c'era prima era un guazzabuglio ereditato dalla nonna, non brutto, ma assolutamente privo di personalità... almeno, della mia.

Sapete quando si dice "attento a quello che chiedi, perché gli dei potrebbero concedertelo"? Ebbene, questo è quanto mi è capitato con la mia cucina. Quando la mia nonna la comprò mi parve bellissima e, certo, inserita nel contesto di un rustico nel Chianti, con nicchie, scale e travi a vista, lo era eccome. E le dissi che quando mi fossi sposata, avrei voluto una cucina come la sua.

Vent'anni dopo, quando sono andata a convivere, quella cucina era ancora lì, o, meglio, nell'appartamento di Firenze dove la mia nonna si era trasferita in tarda età. L'appartamento è diventato il mio e la cucina anche. Ma, passati i primi entusiasmi, mi sono sentita sempre meno rappresentata from those dark tones and the style "modern classic", so I started thinking of buying it back. We explored the furniture half of Tuscany, but all of their proposals to me they looked horrible or wonderful affordability ... expensive.

Needless to complain about what you do not, I always say (when I remember it), better be thankful for what you have: I have a good hand, patience and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I wanted to achieve.

My dream was a shabby chic kitchen, halfway between innocence and freshness of Provence Swedish, with a touch of country and a good dose of romance. I

armed with brushes, paints and good advice from all over the web (grazie Sabrine ), e poi dell'umiltà di chiedere aiuto dove non sapevo, di tolleranza verso certe inevitabili imperfezioni e verso il disordine che per un mese ha regnato sovrano in casa mia. Per le parti in legno ho scelto l'avorio, poi ho osato tinteggiare persino il piano di lavoro (speriamo regga), in azzurro cielo.

Hanno contribuito la mia mamma, il mio papà e, ovviamente, Marco: ringrazio tutti e un grazie speciale a Mirto, che ha ripulito coscienziosamente dal pavimento tutti i trucioli di cera che cadevano dai mobili, mentre li preparavo per lo shabbying.


Questo è l'angolo cottura, dove le mie creazioni gastronomiche si trasformano from "yearn" to the finished product, ie the moment of truth.


The plate rack, in a Tuscan rustic, is by far the only piece of honor that we bought for this restructuring, an antique shop. It dates back to the beginning of '800 and for me it was love at first sight.

Below I have left the old cupboard, always restored in style shabby and I placed beside the raw wood in typical Ikea's wheelchair, which I painted in blue denim and pickled.


The curtains of the small plate rack, such as those above the hood and under the sink, were sewn by my mother, using an original Tyrolean tissue.


Sulle sedie ho dato una sola mano di vernice, per accentuare l'effetto invecchiato, e, anziché i classici coprisedia, ho utilizzato dei cuscinoni morbidi e ricamati, che lasciano scoperta l'impagliatura, da sistemare al momento di sedersi, a propria comodità.


Dall'altro lato del tavolo, corre una panca e questo è il mio posto, ovviamente a capotavola, come si conviene a ogni Mme La Dauphine che si rispetti. Per le panche ho voluto i classici tubolari dell'Ikea, tanto belli, ma non proprio confortevoli, e un cuscino piccolo, con un ricamo un po' più elaborato degli altri.


corner of the bench I placed some of my favorite cookbooks ...


This is the table, I simply dressed with a runner made from an old scarf. I leaned over the basket of bread, some candles and a book of my favorite children's author, Jill Barklem "A year in Wood Bramble: I like to have it handy, because the stories of the little mice greedy relax me a lot and I also provide naive culinary ideas.


The clock on the wall, which plays a "post card" of the era, surrounded by my beloved Danish dishes Bing & Grøndahl, che colleziono da una decina d'anni.


Il paralume è quello della mia camera di "ragazza", che ho prelavato da casa dei miei genitori e portato in cucina. Lo ha ricamato all'uncinetto la mia mamma.

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Quads For Sale In California

Maybe it's time to unveil. ..

... cosa si nasconde dietro ai cartoncini degli sfondi delle mie foto...

Questa è la mia cucina...
... o, meglio, lo è da qualche settimana: quello che c'era prima era un guazzabuglio ereditato dalla nonna, non brutto, ma assolutamente privo di personalità... almeno, della mia.

Sapete quando si dice "attento a quello che chiedi, perché gli dei potrebbero concedertelo"? Ebbene, questo è quanto mi è capitato con la mia cucina. Quando la mia nonna la comprò mi parve bellissima e, certo, inserita nel contesto di un rustico nel Chianti, con nicchie, scale e travi a vista, lo era eccome. E le dissi che quando mi fossi sposata, avrei voluto una cucina come la sua.

Vent'anni dopo, quando sono andata a convivere, quella cucina era ancora lì, o, meglio, nell'appartamento di Firenze dove la mia nonna si era trasferita in tarda età. L'appartamento è diventato il mio e la cucina anche. Ma, passati i primi entusiasmi, mi sono sentita sempre meno rappresentata from those dark tones and the style "modern classic", so I started thinking of buying it back. We explored the furniture half of Tuscany, but all of their proposals to me they looked horrible or wonderful affordability ... expensive.

Needless to complain about what you do not, I always say (when I remember it), better be thankful for what you have: I have a good hand, patience and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I wanted to achieve.

My dream was a shabby chic kitchen, halfway between innocence and freshness of Provence Swedish, with a touch of country and a good dose of romance. I

armed with brushes, paints and good advice from all over the web (grazie Sabrine ), e poi dell'umiltà di chiedere aiuto dove non sapevo, di tolleranza verso certe inevitabili imperfezioni e verso il disordine che per un mese ha regnato sovrano in casa mia. Per le parti in legno ho scelto l'avorio, poi ho osato tinteggiare persino il piano di lavoro (speriamo regga), in azzurro cielo.

Hanno contribuito la mia mamma, il mio papà e, ovviamente, Marco: ringrazio tutti e un grazie speciale a Mirto, che ha ripulito coscienziosamente dal pavimento tutti i trucioli di cera che cadevano dai mobili, mentre li preparavo per lo shabbying.


Questo è l'angolo cottura, dove le mie creazioni gastronomiche si trasformano from "yearn" to the finished product, ie the moment of truth.


The plate rack, in a Tuscan rustic, is by far the only piece of honor that we bought for this restructuring, an antique shop. It dates back to the beginning of '800 and for me it was love at first sight.

Below I have left the old cupboard, always restored in style shabby and I placed beside the raw wood in typical Ikea's wheelchair, which I painted in blue denim and pickled.


The curtains of the small plate rack, such as those above the hood and under the sink, were sewn by my mother, using an original Tyrolean tissue.


Sulle sedie ho dato una sola mano di vernice, per accentuare l'effetto invecchiato, e, anziché i classici coprisedia, ho utilizzato dei cuscinoni morbidi e ricamati, che lasciano scoperta l'impagliatura, da sistemare al momento di sedersi, a propria comodità.


Dall'altro lato del tavolo, corre una panca e questo è il mio posto, ovviamente a capotavola, come si conviene a ogni Mme La Dauphine che si rispetti. Per le panche ho voluto i classici tubolari dell'Ikea, tanto belli, ma non proprio confortevoli, e un cuscino piccolo, con un ricamo un po' più elaborato degli altri.


corner of the bench I placed some of my favorite cookbooks ...


This is the table, I simply dressed with a runner made from an old scarf. I leaned over the basket of bread, some candles and a book of my favorite children's author, Jill Barklem "A year in Wood Bramble: I like to have it handy, because the stories of the little mice greedy relax me a lot and I also provide naive culinary ideas.


The clock on the wall, which plays a "post card" of the era, surrounded by my beloved Danish dishes Bing & Grøndahl, che colleziono da una decina d'anni.


Il paralume è quello della mia camera di "ragazza", che ho prelavato da casa dei miei genitori e portato in cucina. Lo ha ricamato all'uncinetto la mia mamma.

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