Meteorologists classify committed to the peculiar clouds " Asperatus "observed worldwide
According to this article Salked signed by Luke, posted on MailOnLine , meteorologists of the Royal Meteorological Society feel that they must give a rating to a type of clouds really unusual and somewhat disturbing observed more frequently in many places on the planet, from the Highlands of Scotland to New Zealand, and characterized by their temporal and then threaten usually do not occur.
Now experts are trying to catalog them with official approval Latin name "Asperatus": if they succeed, it will cloud formations of the first to receive a new name in more than half a century. For now they are together the available data in order to understand what mechanisms they be concerned.
Professor Paul Hardaker, executive director of the RMS, said: "There should be plenty of heat around to generate the energy needed to demonstrate such dramatic cloud formations. These structures are quite dark, it must 'be a lot of water vapor that condenses into cloud. "

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