These days, one of the arguments to keep the bench is certainly the disaster of Flight Air France AF447, an Airbus 330 crashed with 228 people on board four hours after taking off from Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, en route to Paris. The lack of emergency communication with the crew, the uncertainty on the exact location of the disaster (the worst in the history of the national airline), the alleged 24 automated messages warning feature launched from the aircraft, including the disconnection of the autopilot in the final minutes that you do not know whether to attribute to a decision by the pilots or contradictory information on the speed recorded by the board system, have deepened the mystery about why the accident.

Apparently the flight would not have encountered severe weather conditions prohibitive. The point is that the French media, including Le Monde , cited intelligence sources according to which the plane was flying too low before the disaster, giving implicitly suggests that there may be irreparably damaged through a storm front. But this does not explain the extent of the stretch of ocean along which you are retrieving bodies and wreckage, 55 miles wide well. It does not take a genius aerospace engineering to reach the conclusion that the aircraft has somehow disintegrated in flight. Interesting is the report of a pilot in the Air Comet flight from Lima to Madrid, not far from the disaster area have observed "a flash of intense white light that seemed to go down vertically and split into six segments.
No official source at the time he brought up terrorist acts to the contrary, it has done everything to exclude it. Now the priority seems to recover the black boxes, but many have put their hands on with statements like "we're not sure of being able to retrieve the black boxes," probably never know what really happened ", etc.. However, many experts do not exclude the possibility of a bomb on board, in fact, even a pilot of the same company has expressed this idea, which he said is the only explanation for the lack of emergency communication with the pilots and the dispersion of the wreckage on a 'area so vast. If so, then that of the automatic signals transmitted for several minutes would be a cover story, as quite incompatible with the scenario of the explosion or sudden disintegration.
Someone suggests the presence among the passengers on board some of the characters particularly important and / or awkward to remove, considering the high level cover-up probably in place by the French Government and the Brazilian. Curiously, on that plane traveled the Argentine Pablo Dreyfus and Swiss Ronald Dreyer, two world-renowned activist, involved for many years to investigate and terminate international traffic in arms and drugs and their connections, with excellent results. We were traveling to Geneva to present the latest edition of the Small Arms Survey report, which Dreyfus was co-editor. The organization's Web site independent Small Arms Survey, which is part of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, says that the work of Dryer as a diplomat at the side of UN missions in El Salvador, Mozambique, Azerbaijan, Kosovo and Angola, helped to mobilize the support of over 100 countries the cause of disarmament and the elimination of trafficking of small arms.
At this point, we just hope that no one can think of to bring up the UFO, which for their part lately are creating many headaches, particularly the British government.

On May 31 in the skies of Cambridgeshire and other areas in England many people have observed and photographed dozens of mysterious yellow-orange lights flying in formation. The event has received unprecedented attention from the media, which also gave space to a story recently published by the Telegraph , according to which a Royal Navy warship, the destroyer HMS Daring , moored at Liverpool, was about to open fire on the Unidentified Flying Objects in the air as they passed over Merseyside.

The explanation of the Navy, alleging that it was "flares used to verify the efficiency of the batteries pointing radar guns Phalanx anti-missile boat, it seems rather ridiculous, if not other because by definition the "flares" pyrotechnic systems are likely to deceive infrared missile targeting systems, and countermeasures for radars are more properly metal strips called "chaff". E poi, la nave in questione non sarebbe ancora dotata di tali batterie, a causa della mancanza di fondi, bensì di un cannone Kryten calibro 4.5.
E proprio le difficoltà economiche sarebbero al centro di una notizia diffusa da tale Richard Hogarty, secondo il quale Barak Obama starebbe per passare alla Cina i progetti del bombardiere “invisibile” B-2 in cambio della cancellazione di 50 miliardi di dollari del debito statunitense nei confronti del paese asiatico. Sembra che l’amministrazione abbia concluso che comunque il bombardiere B-2 è “strategicamente obsoleto” e i cinesi non sarebbero in grado di produrre la loro flotta di velivoli operativi per “almeno otto anni”.
Taiwan, Giappone e Corea South, traditional U.S. allies, seem to be very skeptical about the operation, as China could transfer this technology to its allies, as happened with nuclear then acquired by Pakistan and North Korea, but Obama would have defined their views as "irrelevant." However, despite its controversial nature (or perhaps because of this), this proposal will be submitted to Congress, the State Department was called to assist the Department of Defense in the transfer of the material.
Frankly it is difficult to assess this with a certain dose of skepticism: 50 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket of U.S. debt held by China, which amounts to well over a trillion dollars. How can we think that such an operation would relieve a financial exposure so catastrophic?
Perhaps, in spite of the much-dreaded "peak oil" and the revival of "green" technologies, the United States in view of good business with Uganda: Sally Kornfeld, an official of the Department of Energy, has enthusiastically declared that in Based on the results of exploration carried out in several locations across the country, Uganda's oil reserves could equal or exceed those of Saudi Arabia! In the face of global warming, and the responsibility attributed to the activities human on the planet, a bizarre theory constantly echoed by many media and increasingly proven wrong by new studies, such as the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, to analyze the climatic data of the last century concluded that solar variations have exerted a significant impact on Earth's climate, and that the evidence of these changes based solar irradiation can be detected until the time of the Industrial Revolution. According to climatologist Robert Cahalan, "Right now we are in between two ice ages, a period called the Holocene."

Far more disturbing, the recent discovery that the Earth is losing its atmosphere, most of Venus and Mars, which also have very faint magnetic fields. This could mean that the Earth's magnetic field can no longer protect us from cosmic rays, solar flames and other effects due to the solar wind. That they appear to negatively affect the ionosphere, in particular, to that I wonder if, at least in part, can not be there a relationship with the electromagnetic manipulations exerted on it by the HAARP system in Alaska. I ask this question, especially after watching this picture:

would have been taken right from Poker Flat, Alaska, with a new radar that can provide first three-dimensional images of the phenomena of the upper atmosphere (ionosphere) over the polar region. Curious that the radar in question is composed of 4,096 small antennas (do not remember anything? ") Instead of the classic dish. The huge waves, it could reach hundreds of kilometers in length and travel at half the speed of sound. It is not explained the reason for which it was called "gravitational waves", but as I see it may well be the only product of the HAARP ...
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