Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tiffanytowers Posters

Polpette di carni miste con calamari

Questa ricetta è ispirata alla ricetta catalana: “Albondigas de cerdo con calamar” tratta dal libro:
Made in Spain: English Dishes for the American Kitchen.

Ingredienti per 4 persone :

- 350 gr. di carne tritata mista ( manzo, vitello, maiale )
- 250 gr. di calamari
- 1 uovo bio
- 3 mandorle tritate
- 1 scalogno
- 300 ml. di brodo vgetale
- 50 gr. di mollica bagnata nel latte e poi strizzata
- una spruzzata di brandy
- uno spicchio d’aglio
- prezzemolo
- farina q.b.
- Seasonings Ariosto for braised meats and stews
- Seasonings Ariosto for tomato sauces
2 large ripe tomatoes - extra virgin olive

Procedure: Chop the garlic and parsley, and put them together with the ground beef in a bowl, add the squeezed bread in milk, egg, a splash of brandy, chopped almonds el'insaporitore Ariosto, mix, form into balls and then put in the flour.

sliced \u200b\u200bsquid, cook them in a pan with hot oil for a few minutes, then remove from pan and place on a plate with paper towels.

Fry with shallots, add the chopped tomatoes (peeled and seeds), add the seasonings Ariosto, cook for 15 minutes, add the meatballs, (if necessary add the vegetable broth) and cook for about 25 ° at low heat. Now add the squid and bring it to cooking.

Council to serve this dish with slices of bread toasted baguettes.

Wine suggestion: Cabernet Franc delle Venezie.


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