The Don Bosco won the first of half of the season! Siamo al giro di boa, affrontiamo una delle favorite del Girone ossia l'Alberteam di Grugliasco. Squadra con lunghi oltre i 2mt ed esperta anche se negli ultimi tempi appare in disarmo. Ricordiamo che all'andata sul nostro campo siamo stati sonoramente sconfitti. Questa è una costante che si ripete ogni anno, loro sempre vincenti a casa nostra, noi sempre vincenti da loro. Speriamo nella tradizione.
La partenza non è dei migliori auspici per i rivolesi, incapaci di attaccare la zona grugliaschese, pronta ad innestare micidiali contropiedi sugli esterefatti giocatori del Don Bosco. Solo il play Baroso trova il coraggio di perforare la retina dei padroni di casa, tutti suoi sono i punti che Rivoli segna a referto nel primo quarto, che si chiude con il netto punteggio di 17 a 8 per i grugliaschesi, che di fatto hanno già blindato il match.
Coach Carlo, intanto ha sostituito i frastornati Neirotti e Vergano incapaci di offendere la pronta difesa dell'Alberteam. Secondo quarto: Rivoli sale di tono e intensità, i fratelli Sassi sotto le plance la fanno da padroni catturando una serie di rimbalzi che nell'economia del gioco si rivelerà decisive. However, meeting the gap in the middle is not always taken down for Alberteam + 9.
arrive in the third quarter and already can see the bogeyman, since this fraction in almost all of our meetings has proved fatal. In the early stages, the trend does not seem to be an exception since the last performances of the Rivoli. Experts grugliaschesi fly to + 13 and seem to have our liking. Here's the Rivoli
you do not expect: the first Sassi David recovers the ball in defense and with a quick coast to coast marks a basketball film library, followed by an imperious triple Neira. From these two actions and an impressive array of blocks that our Davide Sassi bestows the long Gilardi (at the end will be 5!) of Don Bosco halved the disadvantage, ten minutes from the end we are still below five (40 to 35).
Last quarter, the Alberteam try to go away, but now are in our view. Vergano and Neira, under the planks are replaced with Sassi brothers and harpoons all there is to be taken. Vergano also undergoes a series of fouls that sent him into a symbol bezel where 8 out of 11 key. Only up to that moment in the shade that is two minutes from the end 2 of 2 from the line giving us the first advantage. The
Alberteam driven by the now exhausted Gilardi try to stay on the wheel, but we believe and accept Rivoli arrembante final Grugliaschesi, they can not do more than take note of the defeat. The final siren says the Don Bosco Rivoli won with a score of 47 to 51.
It respects the tradition that sees us as always winning on the field. What is even more glad that we finally dispel the taboo of the third quarter, in fact it was at that juncture that laid the foundations of final success.
Now the ranking gets interesting, we are tied for fifth with four points and Alberteam Rosta, beaten at home by ever more convincing Alfieri.
Obviously we want to look too high, partly because the danger zone is not so far away, so we are down to earth and let's enjoy this unexpected but deserved success.
Best quintet: Neira (13 rebounds), Sassi D. (5 blocks), Vergano, and Baros Sola. Citations for Zabaldano useful in defense, Sassi A. Beltramo great rebounder and always helpful.
MVP: good fight, I consider that a fair ex Solomonic between Neira (triple very fundamental) and Sassi D. a thorn in the side.
A pressing invitation: our ranking is getting interesting and the next games will be crucial for the prosiego the tournament, we need supporters. Come and support us will be our sixth man !!!!!!!!!
Alberteam Grugliasco - DB Rivoli: 47 to 51 (17 to 8 / 31 to 22/40 to 35)
Alberteam: Dinner, Impinna 10, Elijah 5, Morello 6, 3 Di Rienzo, Gilardi 13, 3 De Blasi, Vaccaro 2, Procopio 3, Gay 2. Herds Bonetto.
DB Rivoli: Sassi A., Neira 8, Sola 5, Zabaldano 2, Vergano 10, Baros 8, Sassi D. 14, Bertrand 4, Rubbo, Bo. Appendix Bl.
Referees Lanzone of Turin and Chiapusso Avigliana.
John Fuligno