Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Does My Sore Throat Hurt More At Night

Oeuf Cocotte with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Pesto

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

That Friday, my house, is by definition the evening of cocottes: I would like to conclude the work week with a simple and quick to prepare and cook it yourself in oven, while sipping a glass of wine and a foretaste duei the days of freedom at the door. It is a relaxing way to close the parentheses of the labor office, which for five days a week make me see things in perspective a bit 'distorted, and open the doors of life "real."
-reference to the morning of Saturday and Sunday of the culinary chores real and I enjoy my ramequins of glazed porcelain and their content creamy, or crunchy and stringy.
In this preparation I wanted to bring together two flavors that I love most: that of fresh pesto, which I enjoy all winter thanks to my stocks providential basil and summer savory to the sun-dried tomatoes possessed by me , who gave a lively note to the usual fried eggs.

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

Ingredients x 2 cocottes :


the diced tomatoes and stir in cream. Add a little 'milk and distribute them in cocottes. Break two eggs in each, salt and pepper the egg yolk and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve hot, pouring on the surface of a generous portion of pesto.

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

With this recipe, I participate in the contest of Imma

Why Does My Sore Throat Hurt More At Night

Oeuf Cocotte with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Pesto

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

That Friday, my house, is by definition the evening of cocottes: I would like to conclude the work week with a simple and quick to prepare and cook it yourself in oven, while sipping a glass of wine and a foretaste duei the days of freedom at the door. It is a relaxing way to close the parentheses of the labor office, which for five days a week make me see things in perspective a bit 'distorted, and open the doors of life "real."
-reference to the morning of Saturday and Sunday of the culinary chores real and I enjoy my ramequins of glazed porcelain and their content creamy, or crunchy and stringy.
In this preparation I wanted to bring together two flavors that I love most: that of fresh pesto, which I enjoy all winter thanks to my stocks providential basil and summer savory to the sun-dried tomatoes possessed by me , who gave a lively note to the usual fried eggs.

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

Ingredients x 2 cocottes :


the diced tomatoes and stir in cream. Add a little 'milk and distribute them in cocottes. Break two eggs in each, salt and pepper the egg yolk and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve hot, pouring on the surface of a generous portion of pesto.

Oeuf Cocotte con Pomodori Secchi e Pesto

With this recipe, I participate in the contest of Imma

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mobile Disk Driver Hd-338

The Don Bosco won the first of half of the season!

Siamo al giro di boa, affrontiamo una delle favorite del Girone ossia l'Alberteam di Grugliasco. Squadra con lunghi oltre i 2mt ed esperta anche se negli ultimi tempi appare in disarmo. Ricordiamo che all'andata sul nostro campo siamo stati sonoramente sconfitti. Questa è una costante che si ripete ogni anno, loro sempre vincenti a casa nostra, noi sempre vincenti da loro. Speriamo nella tradizione.

La partenza non è dei migliori auspici per i rivolesi, incapaci di attaccare la zona grugliaschese, pronta ad innestare micidiali contropiedi sugli esterefatti giocatori del Don Bosco. Solo il play Baroso trova il coraggio di perforare la retina dei padroni di casa, tutti suoi sono i punti che Rivoli segna a referto nel primo quarto, che si chiude con il netto punteggio di 17 a 8 per i grugliaschesi, che di fatto hanno già blindato il match.

Coach Carlo, intanto ha sostituito i frastornati Neirotti e Vergano incapaci di offendere la pronta difesa dell'Alberteam. Secondo quarto: Rivoli sale di tono e intensità, i fratelli Sassi sotto le plance la fanno da padroni catturando una serie di rimbalzi che nell'economia del gioco si rivelerà decisive. However, meeting the gap in the middle is not always taken down for Alberteam + 9.

arrive in the third quarter and already can see the bogeyman, since this fraction in almost all of our meetings has proved fatal. In the early stages, the trend does not seem to be an exception since the last performances of the Rivoli. Experts grugliaschesi fly to + 13 and seem to have our liking. Here's the Rivoli
you do not expect: the first Sassi David recovers the ball in defense and with a quick coast to coast marks a basketball film library, followed by an imperious triple Neira. From these two actions and an impressive array of blocks that our Davide Sassi bestows the long Gilardi (at the end will be 5!) of Don Bosco halved the disadvantage, ten minutes from the end we are still below five (40 to 35).

Last quarter, the Alberteam try to go away, but now are in our view. Vergano and Neira, under the planks are replaced with Sassi brothers and harpoons all there is to be taken. Vergano also undergoes a series of fouls that sent him into a symbol bezel where 8 out of 11 key. Only up to that moment in the shade that is two minutes from the end 2 of 2 from the line giving us the first advantage. The

Alberteam driven by the now exhausted Gilardi try to stay on the wheel, but we believe and accept Rivoli arrembante final Grugliaschesi, they can not do more than take note of the defeat. The final siren says the Don Bosco Rivoli won with a score of 47 to 51.

It respects the tradition that sees us as always winning on the field. What is even more glad that we finally dispel the taboo of the third quarter, in fact it was at that juncture that laid the foundations of final success.

Now the ranking gets interesting, we are tied for fifth with four points and Alberteam Rosta, beaten at home by ever more convincing Alfieri.

Obviously we want to look too high, partly because the danger zone is not so far away, so we are down to earth and let's enjoy this unexpected but deserved success.

Best quintet: Neira (13 rebounds), Sassi D. (5 blocks), Vergano, and Baros Sola. Citations for Zabaldano useful in defense, Sassi A. Beltramo great rebounder and always helpful.
MVP: good fight, I consider that a fair ex Solomonic between Neira (triple very fundamental) and Sassi D. a thorn in the side.

A pressing invitation: our ranking is getting interesting and the next games will be crucial for the prosiego the tournament, we need supporters. Come and support us will be our sixth man !!!!!!!!!

Alberteam Grugliasco - DB Rivoli: 47 to 51 (17 to 8 / 31 to 22/40 to 35)

Alberteam: Dinner, Impinna 10, Elijah 5, Morello 6, 3 Di Rienzo, Gilardi 13, 3 De Blasi, Vaccaro 2, Procopio 3, Gay 2. Herds Bonetto.

DB Rivoli: Sassi A., Neira 8, Sola 5, Zabaldano 2, Vergano 10, Baros 8, Sassi D. 14, Bertrand 4, Rubbo, Bo. Appendix Bl.

Referees Lanzone of Turin and Chiapusso Avigliana.

John Fuligno

Mobile Disk Driver Hd-338

The Don Bosco won the first of half of the season!

Siamo al giro di boa, affrontiamo una delle favorite del Girone ossia l'Alberteam di Grugliasco. Squadra con lunghi oltre i 2mt ed esperta anche se negli ultimi tempi appare in disarmo. Ricordiamo che all'andata sul nostro campo siamo stati sonoramente sconfitti. Questa è una costante che si ripete ogni anno, loro sempre vincenti a casa nostra, noi sempre vincenti da loro. Speriamo nella tradizione.

La partenza non è dei migliori auspici per i rivolesi, incapaci di attaccare la zona grugliaschese, pronta ad innestare micidiali contropiedi sugli esterefatti giocatori del Don Bosco. Solo il play Baroso trova il coraggio di perforare la retina dei padroni di casa, tutti suoi sono i punti che Rivoli segna a referto nel primo quarto, che si chiude con il netto punteggio di 17 a 8 per i grugliaschesi, che di fatto hanno già blindato il match.

Coach Carlo, intanto ha sostituito i frastornati Neirotti e Vergano incapaci di offendere la pronta difesa dell'Alberteam. Secondo quarto: Rivoli sale di tono e intensità, i fratelli Sassi sotto le plance la fanno da padroni catturando una serie di rimbalzi che nell'economia del gioco si rivelerà decisive. However, meeting the gap in the middle is not always taken down for Alberteam + 9.

arrive in the third quarter and already can see the bogeyman, since this fraction in almost all of our meetings has proved fatal. In the early stages, the trend does not seem to be an exception since the last performances of the Rivoli. Experts grugliaschesi fly to + 13 and seem to have our liking. Here's the Rivoli
you do not expect: the first Sassi David recovers the ball in defense and with a quick coast to coast marks a basketball film library, followed by an imperious triple Neira. From these two actions and an impressive array of blocks that our Davide Sassi bestows the long Gilardi (at the end will be 5!) of Don Bosco halved the disadvantage, ten minutes from the end we are still below five (40 to 35).

Last quarter, the Alberteam try to go away, but now are in our view. Vergano and Neira, under the planks are replaced with Sassi brothers and harpoons all there is to be taken. Vergano also undergoes a series of fouls that sent him into a symbol bezel where 8 out of 11 key. Only up to that moment in the shade that is two minutes from the end 2 of 2 from the line giving us the first advantage. The

Alberteam driven by the now exhausted Gilardi try to stay on the wheel, but we believe and accept Rivoli arrembante final Grugliaschesi, they can not do more than take note of the defeat. The final siren says the Don Bosco Rivoli won with a score of 47 to 51.

It respects the tradition that sees us as always winning on the field. What is even more glad that we finally dispel the taboo of the third quarter, in fact it was at that juncture that laid the foundations of final success.

Now the ranking gets interesting, we are tied for fifth with four points and Alberteam Rosta, beaten at home by ever more convincing Alfieri.

Obviously we want to look too high, partly because the danger zone is not so far away, so we are down to earth and let's enjoy this unexpected but deserved success.

Best quintet: Neira (13 rebounds), Sassi D. (5 blocks), Vergano, and Baros Sola. Citations for Zabaldano useful in defense, Sassi A. Beltramo great rebounder and always helpful.
MVP: good fight, I consider that a fair ex Solomonic between Neira (triple very fundamental) and Sassi D. a thorn in the side.

A pressing invitation: our ranking is getting interesting and the next games will be crucial for the prosiego the tournament, we need supporters. Come and support us will be our sixth man !!!!!!!!!

Alberteam Grugliasco - DB Rivoli: 47 to 51 (17 to 8 / 31 to 22/40 to 35)

Alberteam: Dinner, Impinna 10, Elijah 5, Morello 6, 3 Di Rienzo, Gilardi 13, 3 De Blasi, Vaccaro 2, Procopio 3, Gay 2. Herds Bonetto.

DB Rivoli: Sassi A., Neira 8, Sola 5, Zabaldano 2, Vergano 10, Baros 8, Sassi D. 14, Bertrand 4, Rubbo, Bo. Appendix Bl.

Referees Lanzone of Turin and Chiapusso Avigliana.

John Fuligno

Chlamydia In The Mouth Symptoms

Evento Calvè a Milano.

Diocletian and I have had the pleasure to participate in 'Calvé event which was held January 25, 2011 at the school of "La Cucina Italian " Piazza Aspromonte, Milan.

These are some of attendance at the event:

Annalena - Acquavivascorre
Valerie and Anita - Blogosfere
Barbara - ChezBabs
Alice - FoodCouture
Anna-Anna's Recipe
Maria Pia - The mary pie apple pie
Elena - In the kitchen of Ely
Simona - Thoughts and pies
Gaia - Shake and bake
Francesca - Traces of Food
Cristina - Sugar and salt
Marina -
Paola -
Elisa - Seidimoda
Mariangela - Leiweb

I apologize to the other people that I mentioned, I am a great talker and I have not had time to meet everyone.
Great was my joy of finally know Barbara personally of the blog Chez Babs.

Alessandra and her staff welcomed us in a wonderful location,

we have compiled a simple questionnaire,

that we delivered to a nutritionist ; in realtà non si trattava di una vera nutrizionista , bensì della simpatica Katia Follesa , la bionda corteggiatrice di Claudiano del programma televisivo Zelig, che con la sua allegria e simpatia ha dato valore aggiunto alla serata.

Poi ci siamo trasferiti all’interno di una grande cucina professionale,

ad ogni partecipante è stata assegnata una postazione, e sotto la giuda dello Chef Marco Montellanico , abbiamo realizzato il : il purè mon amour , una piacevole scoperta for me.

In fact, the components used to make mayonnaise " oil, eggs and lemon " are present in all our kitchens and the addition of mayonnaise gives flavor to our recipe, taste and creaminess. Just a spoonful of mayonnaise used in place of butter for a touch of elegance to a simple puree and mashed it into a gentleman. Just try it, and imagine how many combinations are possible.
goal of the evening then, broaden our perspectives on the mayonnaise, which has always regarded as a seal or an accompaniment, and begin to consider and appreciate it as an actual ingredient. With mayonnaise can be made good: appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, desserts and even seconds.

Some pictures of the buffet:

recipes that I particularly enjoyed are:

Fish crust

Brownie greedy

I recommend you visit you'll find many other recipes interessanti.

Un sentito e doveroso ringraziamento a tutta l’organizzazione dell’evento.

Chlamydia In The Mouth Symptoms

Evento Calvè a Milano.

Diocletian and I have had the pleasure to participate in 'Calvé event which was held January 25, 2011 at the school of "La Cucina Italian " Piazza Aspromonte, Milan.

These are some of attendance at the event:

Annalena - Acquavivascorre
Valerie and Anita - Blogosfere
Barbara - ChezBabs
Alice - FoodCouture
Anna-Anna's Recipe
Maria Pia - The mary pie apple pie
Elena - In the kitchen of Ely
Simona - Thoughts and pies
Gaia - Shake and bake
Francesca - Traces of Food
Cristina - Sugar and salt
Marina -
Paola -
Elisa - Seidimoda
Mariangela - Leiweb

I apologize to the other people that I mentioned, I am a great talker and I have not had time to meet everyone.
Great was my joy of finally know Barbara personally of the blog Chez Babs.

Alessandra and her staff welcomed us in a wonderful location,

we have compiled a simple questionnaire,

that we delivered to a nutritionist ; in realtà non si trattava di una vera nutrizionista , bensì della simpatica Katia Follesa , la bionda corteggiatrice di Claudiano del programma televisivo Zelig, che con la sua allegria e simpatia ha dato valore aggiunto alla serata.

Poi ci siamo trasferiti all’interno di una grande cucina professionale,

ad ogni partecipante è stata assegnata una postazione, e sotto la giuda dello Chef Marco Montellanico , abbiamo realizzato il : il purè mon amour , una piacevole scoperta for me.

In fact, the components used to make mayonnaise " oil, eggs and lemon " are present in all our kitchens and the addition of mayonnaise gives flavor to our recipe, taste and creaminess. Just a spoonful of mayonnaise used in place of butter for a touch of elegance to a simple puree and mashed it into a gentleman. Just try it, and imagine how many combinations are possible.
goal of the evening then, broaden our perspectives on the mayonnaise, which has always regarded as a seal or an accompaniment, and begin to consider and appreciate it as an actual ingredient. With mayonnaise can be made good: appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, desserts and even seconds.

Some pictures of the buffet:

recipes that I particularly enjoyed are:

Fish crust

Brownie greedy

I recommend you visit you'll find many other recipes interessanti.

Un sentito e doveroso ringraziamento a tutta l’organizzazione dell’evento.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sarah Michaels Body Mist Dry Oil

dell'U14 misstep in Chieri.

ugly defeat for the boys in that dell'U14 Chieri in the first game of the second round.

The race, largely within our reach, against a team that is behind us in the standings, she started well in the first period, so that about 3 minutes from the end of the first ten minutes of play, you was ahead by 15 to 3. A break for the partial Chieri closes 11 to 19 and nothing allowed to foresee the disaster of the second period ended 26 to 8, which has completely turned the game, as the next
periods were in perfect balance.

The debacle began with gross errors in the planks, which have then been a constant throughout the race and we have prevented from eventually overturn the result, and with a dramatic loosening of the defensive mesh, allowing easy penetration of our opponents .

In the fourth period, we come to a full possession of about three minutes away from the siren, but a basket by three of our opponents we cut legs. Too bad for having left the field two points that we would probably preclude the race for the top two places, less than resounding defeats of teams ahead of us.
Unfortunately no longer depends solely on us.

Chieri Basketball - Don Bosco 67 to 58

partial (11 - 19, 26-8, 13-10, 17 - 21)

Basketball Chieri: Civera 2, 2 Rusco, Pasini 10, Marzola, Flores, Recanzone 4 , Tamborrini 14, Taricco 11, Squad 2, Dalla Pria, Ghirardelli, field 22. Savaglio

Don Bosco Rivoli: Alberti 4, Bono, May 29, Lanata 2, Structure 4, Bommaci 3, 4 Lauria, Lucchiari 6, Brown 6, Toscano, Selvaggi. D'Affuso

Sarah Michaels Body Mist Dry Oil

dell'U14 misstep in Chieri.

ugly defeat for the boys in that dell'U14 Chieri in the first game of the second round.

The race, largely within our reach, against a team that is behind us in the standings, she started well in the first period, so that about 3 minutes from the end of the first ten minutes of play, you was ahead by 15 to 3. A break for the partial Chieri closes 11 to 19 and nothing allowed to foresee the disaster of the second period ended 26 to 8, which has completely turned the game, as the next
periods were in perfect balance.

The debacle began with gross errors in the planks, which have then been a constant throughout the race and we have prevented from eventually overturn the result, and with a dramatic loosening of the defensive mesh, allowing easy penetration of our opponents .

In the fourth period, we come to a full possession of about three minutes away from the siren, but a basket by three of our opponents we cut legs. Too bad for having left the field two points that we would probably preclude the race for the top two places, less than resounding defeats of teams ahead of us.
Unfortunately no longer depends solely on us.

Chieri Basketball - Don Bosco 67 to 58

partial (11 - 19, 26-8, 13-10, 17 - 21)

Basketball Chieri: Civera 2, 2 Rusco, Pasini 10, Marzola, Flores, Recanzone 4 , Tamborrini 14, Taricco 11, Squad 2, Dalla Pria, Ghirardelli, field 22. Savaglio

Don Bosco Rivoli: Alberti 4, Bono, May 29, Lanata 2, Structure 4, Bommaci 3, 4 Lauria, Lucchiari 6, Brown 6, Toscano, Selvaggi. D'Affuso

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hook Two Battery Chargers Together

Pain d'Epices with Dates and powder Mandarin

Pain d'Epices con Datteri e Polvere di Mandarino

I know that the publication of a Pain d'Epices more than a month from Christmas may sound a bit 'out of place. But this is not a "recipe file", I myself have prepared several weeks late: I wanted to do for Christmas dinner with my family, but then I have not had the opportunity, then the first of 'year, but I got up later, and finally for the Epiphany, but then we decided to go to sea with Myrtle. So I found myself prepare to party finished and work resumed, almost not want me to resign that the best time of the year was now over and wanting to hold on for a little 'magic.
You know, back in office after the holidays, for me it was very hard. For various reasons, had been missing for a long time 'and it took several weeks of adjustment to return to operation. The first days were a nightmare, and when the weekend finally arrived, I was looking forward to literally blow off the stove. When I set foot in the house Topy79 was perched on the sofa and the first thing I said was "Get up, we make a cake." I was so tense, but then the scent of spices that rose from the oven did the magic ...
  • 250 grams of flour
  • 250 grams of eucalyptus honey
  • 50 gr di zucchero
  • 50 gr di zucchero aromatizzato alla vaniglia
  • 100 ml di latte
  • 2 uova
  • 1 cucchiaio di cannella
  • 1 cucchiaio di zenzero
  • 1 cucchiaio di polvere di mandarino
  • 4-5 chiodi di garofano pestati
  • i semini di tre bacche di cardamomo pestati
  • 120 gr di datteri secchi
  • 1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci


Denocciolate i datteri e cut into small pieces. Place all ingredients in blender and blend to mix and assemble them, and then manually mixed dates and pour into a cake tin lined with special paper. Bake cold and, since the temperature reaches 180 degrees, bake for about 1 hour, until the mixture will not exceed the "toothpick test."

Hook Two Battery Chargers Together

Pain d'Epices with Dates and powder Mandarin

Pain d'Epices con Datteri e Polvere di Mandarino

I know that the publication of a Pain d'Epices more than a month from Christmas may sound a bit 'out of place. But this is not a "recipe file", I myself have prepared several weeks late: I wanted to do for Christmas dinner with my family, but then I have not had the opportunity, then the first of 'year, but I got up later, and finally for the Epiphany, but then we decided to go to sea with Myrtle. So I found myself prepare to party finished and work resumed, almost not want me to resign that the best time of the year was now over and wanting to hold on for a little 'magic.
You know, back in office after the holidays, for me it was very hard. For various reasons, had been missing for a long time 'and it took several weeks of adjustment to return to operation. The first days were a nightmare, and when the weekend finally arrived, I was looking forward to literally blow off the stove. When I set foot in the house Topy79 was perched on the sofa and the first thing I said was "Get up, we make a cake." I was so tense, but then the scent of spices that rose from the oven did the magic ...
  • 250 grams of flour
  • 250 grams of eucalyptus honey
  • 50 gr di zucchero
  • 50 gr di zucchero aromatizzato alla vaniglia
  • 100 ml di latte
  • 2 uova
  • 1 cucchiaio di cannella
  • 1 cucchiaio di zenzero
  • 1 cucchiaio di polvere di mandarino
  • 4-5 chiodi di garofano pestati
  • i semini di tre bacche di cardamomo pestati
  • 120 gr di datteri secchi
  • 1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci


Denocciolate i datteri e cut into small pieces. Place all ingredients in blender and blend to mix and assemble them, and then manually mixed dates and pour into a cake tin lined with special paper. Bake cold and, since the temperature reaches 180 degrees, bake for about 1 hour, until the mixture will not exceed the "toothpick test."

What Is The Best Dog Food For A Pekinese/poodle

Good evidence against the Alter, but not enough.

It's never nice to tell a defeat, even if dobbiamo dirlo in CSI, contrariamente alla stagione passata, ci abbiamo un pò fatto il callo. Comunque, questa volta, almeno, abbiamo perso con onore e contro un ottima squadra.

Piossasco si è dimostrata un mix fra giovani e attempati giocatori, partendo dal più giovane, classe 1992 arrivando al più anziano del 1962, quasi un mio coetaneo (complimenti). Nel bel mezzo fra questi due estremi un 1977, già visto qualche anno fa in serie D, ma non era l'unico, classe 1977, che ha tenuto letteralmente in piedi la sua squadra, nelle battute iniziali, quando i nostri hanno dato il meglio.

Lenzi, questo il suo nome, ha letteralmente da solo tenuto in piedi la cabin of his team scoring more than 50% of his team's points in the first 20 minutes. Clearly, our have not been watching and responding tit for tat to the initiatives of inspired opponent. It is coming off a better game and correct that godevole prenmiato rightly the team more motivated. In fact, Alter, correct me if I'm wrong, is defending champion and this year looks for renewal.

We, as a principle, we decided that this season play in the CIS, primarily on grounds that those players do not fit the physical and technical sales. It is true that in this match coach Carlo has requested the assistance of any senator, but the fact remains that senza guardare al risultato si è voluto dare a tutti e 12 i giocatori lo stesso numero di minuti. Pertanto il 69 a 56 finale deve essere guardato con ottimismo dai nostri. A fine gara, chi scrive, ha ricevuto i complimenti sportivi dall'allenatore di Piossasco, riconoscendo che l'ultimo posto è immeritato. Complimenti comunque che io giro ai ragazzi.

Miglior quintetto: Beltramo, Sassi D., Neirotti, Volpi e Prette.
Migliore dei nostri Beltramo.

Alter 82 Piossasco - D.B. Rivoli: 69 a 56 ( 18 a 14/ 34 a 24/ 49 a 42)

Alter 82 Piossasco: Audrito 9, Avaro 8, Bertasso, De Fazio 4, Flora 11, Lenzi 22, Mattio 2, Persico 8, Piombi 3, Rossin 2. All. Gigante.

DB Rivoli: 3 Baros, Bertrand 12, Woods 2, Fasolo, Prego, Rubbo 4, Sassi D. 8, Only 4, 6 Volpi, Piana, typically 7, 8 Neira. Appendix Bl. Referee

Furnari of Bricherasio.

John Fuligno

What Is The Best Dog Food For A Pekinese/poodle

Good evidence against the Alter, but not enough.

It's never nice to tell a defeat, even if dobbiamo dirlo in CSI, contrariamente alla stagione passata, ci abbiamo un pò fatto il callo. Comunque, questa volta, almeno, abbiamo perso con onore e contro un ottima squadra.

Piossasco si è dimostrata un mix fra giovani e attempati giocatori, partendo dal più giovane, classe 1992 arrivando al più anziano del 1962, quasi un mio coetaneo (complimenti). Nel bel mezzo fra questi due estremi un 1977, già visto qualche anno fa in serie D, ma non era l'unico, classe 1977, che ha tenuto letteralmente in piedi la sua squadra, nelle battute iniziali, quando i nostri hanno dato il meglio.

Lenzi, questo il suo nome, ha letteralmente da solo tenuto in piedi la cabin of his team scoring more than 50% of his team's points in the first 20 minutes. Clearly, our have not been watching and responding tit for tat to the initiatives of inspired opponent. It is coming off a better game and correct that godevole prenmiato rightly the team more motivated. In fact, Alter, correct me if I'm wrong, is defending champion and this year looks for renewal.

We, as a principle, we decided that this season play in the CIS, primarily on grounds that those players do not fit the physical and technical sales. It is true that in this match coach Carlo has requested the assistance of any senator, but the fact remains that senza guardare al risultato si è voluto dare a tutti e 12 i giocatori lo stesso numero di minuti. Pertanto il 69 a 56 finale deve essere guardato con ottimismo dai nostri. A fine gara, chi scrive, ha ricevuto i complimenti sportivi dall'allenatore di Piossasco, riconoscendo che l'ultimo posto è immeritato. Complimenti comunque che io giro ai ragazzi.

Miglior quintetto: Beltramo, Sassi D., Neirotti, Volpi e Prette.
Migliore dei nostri Beltramo.

Alter 82 Piossasco - D.B. Rivoli: 69 a 56 ( 18 a 14/ 34 a 24/ 49 a 42)

Alter 82 Piossasco: Audrito 9, Avaro 8, Bertasso, De Fazio 4, Flora 11, Lenzi 22, Mattio 2, Persico 8, Piombi 3, Rossin 2. All. Gigante.

DB Rivoli: 3 Baros, Bertrand 12, Woods 2, Fasolo, Prego, Rubbo 4, Sassi D. 8, Only 4, 6 Volpi, Piana, typically 7, 8 Neira. Appendix Bl. Referee

Furnari of Bricherasio.

John Fuligno

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Should Be Included On A Wedding Program

Quiche Creamy Beer and Ham Gratin with Emmental

Quiche Cremosa alla Birra e Prosciutto con Gratin di Emmenthal

As I have often repeated, in terms of quiches it is difficult to invent something new ... but this was really special and I can not propose it: I do not normally prepare the classic white sauce with milk, but, rather, I rely on a lighter version, as explained qui . Però in questo caso desideravo ottenere un risultato cremoso e appagante e non ho potuto fare a meno di utilizzare la ricetta tradizionale, vivacizzando, però, il sapore neutro tipico di questa salsa, con una parte di birra.
Con emmenthal, prosciutto cotto e birra avevo già cucinato dei condimenti per la pasta, che erano stati molto apprezzati, e quindi ho pensato di ripresentare questo accostamento di sapori, che trasporta magicamente, chissà perché, nei pascoli bavaresi, in una quiche.
Come per tutte le preparazioni di questo genere, occorre un po' di pazienza: non sono d'accordo con chi classifica le torte salate come un espediente svuotafrigo, a mio parere la quiche è una faccenda very serious, due to focus on the quiet.
First, the crust must be made in a workmanlike manner, with very cold ingredients, including flour (I keep in the fridge for half an hour before using it). Personally I feel very comfortable with the method I described here and when I'm done with the use of bases or chewy bread, without getting a foul crumbly and buttery crust. Then, the sauce should be spread over the bottom when it is cold, which means that you must prepare in advance and leave it a bit 'slow, so that firms up too much. This could ruin the consistency of the base and not to melt the Emmenthal gratin, which should not merge, but grilling.
Well, stuff to lose an afternoon.
prepare it for a special occasion.

  • a dose of prepared crust so
  • a bit of butter 2 tablespoons
  • RsaI
  • flour 1 cup milk 1
  • cup of beer
  • salt pepper
  • 3-4 slices of ham
  • 100 g Emmentaler


Sprinkle the bottom of a lightly greased cake pan with crumbs obtained by blending the ingredients of the brie and store in refrigerator.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and, when it has absorbed all the butter and will have formed a "ball", let it toast for 2 minutes. Add the cold milk and beer, reduce heat and cook, stirring until thickening (attention, beer, soda being, it may overflow, so always mix). Add salt and pepper and add the diced ham. Let cool completely, while the compacted crust crumbs on the bottom and sides of pan, pressing gently with your hands.

Pour the sauce with beer, spandetela well against the ground and cover completely with Emmentaler cheese.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, then raise the temperature to 220 °, set the grill and bring the pan to the top element of the oven until the Emmenthal not have taken a beautiful golden color.

Let rest 20-30 minutes before serving.

What Should Be Included On A Wedding Program

Quiche Creamy Beer and Ham Gratin with Emmental

Quiche Cremosa alla Birra e Prosciutto con Gratin di Emmenthal

As I have often repeated, in terms of quiches it is difficult to invent something new ... but this was really special and I can not propose it: I do not normally prepare the classic white sauce with milk, but, rather, I rely on a lighter version, as explained qui . Però in questo caso desideravo ottenere un risultato cremoso e appagante e non ho potuto fare a meno di utilizzare la ricetta tradizionale, vivacizzando, però, il sapore neutro tipico di questa salsa, con una parte di birra.
Con emmenthal, prosciutto cotto e birra avevo già cucinato dei condimenti per la pasta, che erano stati molto apprezzati, e quindi ho pensato di ripresentare questo accostamento di sapori, che trasporta magicamente, chissà perché, nei pascoli bavaresi, in una quiche.
Come per tutte le preparazioni di questo genere, occorre un po' di pazienza: non sono d'accordo con chi classifica le torte salate come un espediente svuotafrigo, a mio parere la quiche è una faccenda very serious, due to focus on the quiet.
First, the crust must be made in a workmanlike manner, with very cold ingredients, including flour (I keep in the fridge for half an hour before using it). Personally I feel very comfortable with the method I described here and when I'm done with the use of bases or chewy bread, without getting a foul crumbly and buttery crust. Then, the sauce should be spread over the bottom when it is cold, which means that you must prepare in advance and leave it a bit 'slow, so that firms up too much. This could ruin the consistency of the base and not to melt the Emmenthal gratin, which should not merge, but grilling.
Well, stuff to lose an afternoon.
prepare it for a special occasion.

  • a dose of prepared crust so
  • a bit of butter 2 tablespoons
  • RsaI
  • flour 1 cup milk 1
  • cup of beer
  • salt pepper
  • 3-4 slices of ham
  • 100 g Emmentaler


Sprinkle the bottom of a lightly greased cake pan with crumbs obtained by blending the ingredients of the brie and store in refrigerator.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and, when it has absorbed all the butter and will have formed a "ball", let it toast for 2 minutes. Add the cold milk and beer, reduce heat and cook, stirring until thickening (attention, beer, soda being, it may overflow, so always mix). Add salt and pepper and add the diced ham. Let cool completely, while the compacted crust crumbs on the bottom and sides of pan, pressing gently with your hands.

Pour the sauce with beer, spandetela well against the ground and cover completely with Emmentaler cheese.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, then raise the temperature to 220 °, set the grill and bring the pan to the top element of the oven until the Emmenthal not have taken a beautiful golden color.

Let rest 20-30 minutes before serving.