Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 8 foglie di verza
- 200 gr. di petto di pollo tritato
- 200 di gr. di arista di maiale tritato
- 150 gr. di fagioli azuki verdi lessati
- 2 scalogni
- un pizzico di zenzero
- 200 ml di birra rossa
- 1 mela renetta
- sale
- olio di semi di mais
The azuki beans green ( mungo) are small, have a slightly boxy shape, and are colored green, are also called green soybeans.
The cultivation of this legume has origins in India, is now widespread in a vast area of \u200b\u200bAsia, Pakistan and the Philippines. There are growing this legume in all continents, including Europe. The azuki beans that I used for this recipe came from a production of Colfiorito.
procedure: after washing thoroughly put in the beans soak for 6 hours, then rinse and cook in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes into the boil. (I've boiled 250 grams. Dry weight, part I used the recipe, I used another part for another recipe.)
Wash the cabbage leaves, then blanch in lightly salted boiling water for 3 minutes.
Drain, put them in a container with cold water, drain again and lay on a towel.
Finely chop the shallots and let them braise in a pan with a little oil, turn off the heat and set aside.
In a bowl, put the two types of ground beef and boiled azuki beans, a spoonful of braised shallots, ginger and a pinch of salt then.
Mix everything, and with the help of a spoon formed into balls that wind up on the blanched cabbage leaves, creating the rolls. Because of that, until you have completed all the ingredients. Cook the cabbage rolls in a steamer for 15 minutes. E'da clear that the rolls of the cooking time varies depending on their size. Turn off the heat and keep warm.
Meanwhile prepare the sauce apple beer.
The original recipe for this sauce is Palme d'Onofrio, I have made some changes.
Peel apples and cut into cubes. Whisk the remaining shallots braised
move it to the pan with a little olive oil over medium heat, add the chopped apple cubes, salt, and finally add the beer to cook for 13 minutes.
Try to match the end of the cooking time of salsa, with the end of baking rolls, this prevent the meat from becoming too hard to enhance all the flavors, and also because all the ingredients in the pot be served hot.
Presentation: Place on a plate a few spoonfuls of apple sauce with beer, and on some cabbage rolls right out of steam.
How does the roll inside:
I combined the sauce with the rolls for the precise reasons why, in fact the apple with its acidity needed to balance the sweetness of the cabbage and pork, also contrasted with the sweet notes of the beer.
The beer that I used for this recipe is the red Saint Hubert, a dried beer (made with a technique similar to that of wine) is fermented in open tank, this procedure gives the classic notes of tropical fruit, without the addition of herbs and spices .
Beer Saint Hubert is the recommended pairing for this dish.

With this recipe I participate in the January MTC: the recipe for that challenge ... cabbage rolls
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