Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chlamydia In The Mouth Symptoms

Evento Calvè a Milano.

Diocletian and I have had the pleasure to participate in 'Calvé event which was held January 25, 2011 at the school of "La Cucina Italian " Piazza Aspromonte, Milan.

These are some of attendance at the event:

Annalena - Acquavivascorre
Valerie and Anita - Blogosfere
Barbara - ChezBabs
Alice - FoodCouture
Anna-Anna's Recipe
Maria Pia - The mary pie apple pie
Elena - In the kitchen of Ely
Simona - Thoughts and pies
Gaia - Shake and bake
Francesca - Traces of Food
Cristina - Sugar and salt
Marina -
Paola -
Elisa - Seidimoda
Mariangela - Leiweb

I apologize to the other people that I mentioned, I am a great talker and I have not had time to meet everyone.
Great was my joy of finally know Barbara personally of the blog Chez Babs.

Alessandra and her staff welcomed us in a wonderful location,

we have compiled a simple questionnaire,

that we delivered to a nutritionist ; in realtà non si trattava di una vera nutrizionista , bensì della simpatica Katia Follesa , la bionda corteggiatrice di Claudiano del programma televisivo Zelig, che con la sua allegria e simpatia ha dato valore aggiunto alla serata.

Poi ci siamo trasferiti all’interno di una grande cucina professionale,

ad ogni partecipante è stata assegnata una postazione, e sotto la giuda dello Chef Marco Montellanico , abbiamo realizzato il : il purè mon amour , una piacevole scoperta for me.

In fact, the components used to make mayonnaise " oil, eggs and lemon " are present in all our kitchens and the addition of mayonnaise gives flavor to our recipe, taste and creaminess. Just a spoonful of mayonnaise used in place of butter for a touch of elegance to a simple puree and mashed it into a gentleman. Just try it, and imagine how many combinations are possible.
goal of the evening then, broaden our perspectives on the mayonnaise, which has always regarded as a seal or an accompaniment, and begin to consider and appreciate it as an actual ingredient. With mayonnaise can be made good: appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, desserts and even seconds.

Some pictures of the buffet:

recipes that I particularly enjoyed are:

Fish crust

Brownie greedy

I recommend you visit you'll find many other recipes interessanti.

Un sentito e doveroso ringraziamento a tutta l’organizzazione dell’evento.


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