The horseradish (horseradish ) is very popular in the Veneto, once all the families of peasants had some plants.
Horseradish is a perennial herb that you use the root, which is grated and prepared in various ways: by itself, preserved in oil or vinegar (this preparation is called "horseradish") or with sauces, mustards, pickles. The horseradish sauce is usually used as an accompaniment to boiled. Piu 'is a delicate froth of horseradish This recipe is obtained by boiling the cream and milk with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, grated fresh root, and usually accompanies the cold meats. The Italian horseradish is white-tan, the Japanese, bright green and is traditionally used to accompany the sushi, as our taste is similar to the sauce, horseradish sauce and wasabi.
Sauris Friuli is a town located in the meat in about 1200 meters above sea level. The resort is well known for the production of certain meats, particularly bacon just for the Sauris .
I could call this recipe a hug from Veneto and Friuli
Ingredients per 4 persone
- 140 gr. di speck di Sauris stagionato 6 mesi affettato sottile
- 80 gr. di insalatina fresca
- erba cipollina
- radice fresca di cren
- sale e pepe
- paprika dolce
- olio extra vergine di oliva
foderare una una ciotolina con delle fette sottili di speck di Sauris , ( posizionate le fettine in modo che i due estremi delle fette fuoriescano dalla ciotolina ) riempite con dell’insalatina fresca, condita con sale, pepe e un po’ di erba cipollina, coprite il tutto con gli estremi delle fette di speck, in modo da formare un bauletto. Rovesciate il bauletto sul piatto di portata, cospargetelo con della radice fresca grattugiata di cren e terminate the dish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Decorate the plate with paprika.
Recommended wine: Schioppettino Colli Orientali del Friuli.
With this recipe I participate in the contest " put down roots" of Labna

See also: Fusilli with pesto, rocket and basil with tomato gratin with horseradish.
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