Ingredients for 4:
- 420 gr. fillet of salmon
- 2 large fennel
- 2 teabags fishing
- 1 white onion Chioggia
- 60 ml.
dry white wine - 20 ml.
white wine vinegar - 1 slice of organic lemon
- 2 tablespoons pine nuts
- chopped parsley, thyme, marjoram, chives
salt - oil corn
Per la vinaigrette:
in un ciotolina versare una una piccola quantità di olio, aggiungere il trito di erbe, qualche goccia di succo di limone, un pizzico di sale , emulsionare il tutto , coprire e tenere da parte.
Per il saor di finocchi:
porre sul fuoco un tegame antiaderente con un filo d’olio,quando questo è caldo aggiungere la cipolla tritata finemente, il vino, l’aceto , i pinoli e per ultimo il sale ; fate cuocere a fuoco dolce, per una decina di minuti circa.
Affettare con una mandolina i finocchi ( media dimensione, non devono essere troppo sottili ) inserirli in una terrina, versarci sopra il saor, mescolare bene e lasciar rest for at least 30 minutes.
Proceed with steaming salmon
put on fire the steam with about 650 ml. of water, bring to a boil, then add the 2 packets of you fishing, put the lid and boil for several minutes.
Meanwhile, remove any remaining bones and fillet of salmon, wash well, dry with paper towels, cut into fairly large pieces, and then place them in the steam basket, replace the lid and cook for 12-15 minutes.
Once cooked, serve the salmon with fennel sull'insalata in saor, guarinre cubes of salmon with a few tablespoons of the vinaigrette mixture.
A clarification: I have prepared this is not the true recipe for fennel in saor , I extrapolated only the beginning. The real recipe calls for more time 'long.
Suggested Wine: Prosecco di Valdobbiadene.
With this recipe I participate in the contest: "The reindeer in the kitchen "

In my opinion, the kitchen such as photography have much in common, in particular the fact that convey strong emotions. And since Alexander is located in Sweden, reports the blog of Michelle a talented photographer in Stockholm.
See also:
- gnocchi with zucchini, salmon, fennel seeds and rosemary flowers
- striped rice green tea flavored with pesto and potatoes.
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